Language Learning Center

What is the LLC?

The Language Learning Center (LLC) provides support for foreign language acquisition, led by student assistants (referred to as student tutors). In addition to class collaboration in English, Chinese, Japanese, and other languages, the LLC has dictionaries and textbooks in Korean, Spanish, Portuguese, German, Thai, French, and other languages, and provides a place for students to study on their own.

 In addition, student tutors work with foreign language instructors to provide class collaboration (assignments, preparation and review) and workshops to support classes and provide students with opportunities for their own learning. The goal is to create an international atmosphere throughout the college so that more students become interested and successful in learning a foreign language. To achieve this goal, the Language Learning Center offers weekly tutor training for student tutors to enhance their tutoring skills and professional skills in their respective languages. Student tutors who have mastered a second language use their knowledge and experience to support the development of internationally educated individuals at Meio University.

Manners when using the LLC

  • Check in and Check out when using the LLC

  • Food and drinks are prohibited

  • Keep your volume down when talking

  • Try to speak in a second language (English, Chinese, Spanish, Portuguese, Korean....)

  • Do not damage the materials (books, CD, DVD) or equipment. If a user damages the LLC property they must pay for it.

  • Follow the school guidelines for the COVID-19 safty measures