We are holding  POTLUCK PARTY!👽

Happy New Year!  How was your New year's holiday??😄

We LLC, are holding a "POTLUCK PARTY" 🎶It is about introducing world culture and doing Quiz Activity! We already held the first day which was focusing on America, Japan, Brazil and many students participated it in Janualy 16th. Thanks👏

We are looking forward to see you again at the second day Party which is about Australia, Korea, Malaysia in Janualy 18th and the third one is about Canada, Myanmar, Okinawa in Janualy 19th!! We will give the countries' snacks as a gift! We hope many students will join and enjoy at these party!! !! !!😊


Venue: 111 classroomtime: 12:10-12:50 ・ The Scond: Australia, Korea, Malaysia in Jan 18th ・The Third: Canada, Myanmar, Okinawa in Jan 19th
