IB Diploma Programme

The first month of the school year has been very busy for the IB students and teachers.

Our seniors, already familiar with the programme, are working on their Extended Essay while using ManageBac, a software program for planning and reporting IB requirements and assessments, for both the Extended Essay and CAS (Creative, Activity, Service) .

The registration of the seniors for the IB Exams in May 2018 is in the process having as deadline to finalize it on November 3rd, 2017.

The curriculum of the IB Diploma “encourage both personal and academic achievement, challenging students to excel in their studies and in their personal development” (www.ibo.org). The element of personal engagement was ever-present when Grade 11 students went to Sakintepe (near Bolu) for a leadership camp known as L.E.A.D.E.R. (Listening, Empathy, Attitude, Determination, Efficiency, Responsibility). They had the opportunity to challenge themselves, as they were encouraged to be risk-takers, to support each other and work as a team.