Encore Library/Makerspace Lesson Week 1 April 6-10

Operation Gratitude:

Kindness Quarantine Challenge!

Read all directions below to learn how you can contribute to our Medina City Schools Kindness Quarantine Challenge digital book, which will be put on the Medina Media Home Page!!!

Click here to go to Week 2's Lesson...Read aloud, video messages, and Makerspace Challenge!


Keep emailing your ideas/pictures and check back here...this book is under construction as the good ideas keep pouring in! How are you being kind, helpful, or grateful???

Scroll down for the rest of this lesson!

Read the directions below to watch video messages to you and email a picture to me of something kind, helpful, and/or grateful that you, and/or your family, are doing!

A friend challenged me to make a heart for my window for people to see when they walk by! You can, too!

And take a look at Eve's cool Kindness Quarantine idea...make an encouraging sign for your window and/or email to someone!!

Follow directions 1-5 below for your Library/Makerspace time:

2. Watch your library teacher's video message to you! We all miss you and are thinking about you!

Blake- Mrs. DeLucia's Video Message Canavan- Mrs. Wehrley's Video Message Fenn- Mrs. Sabo's Video Message

Garfield- Mrs. Brewer's Video Message Heritage- Mrs. Houghtaling's Video Message Northrop- Mrs. Frazer's Video Message

Waite- Mrs. Rankin's Video Message

3. There are fun "Gratitude Ideas" and special holidays listed there on the "Operation Gratitude" page (click to see!) of this site or think of your own! Scroll down on the Operation Gratitude page to see the cool things that happen to YOU when you spread Gratitude!!!

4. OPERATION GRATITUDE: KINDNESS QUARANTINE CHALLENGE- Pick something fun from this lesson OR the Operation Gratitude site OR come up with your own ideas! EMAIL YOUR KINDNESS PICTURE for your library teachers and I to add to our digital book to gollj@medinabees.org!

5. ***Over the next several weeks, continue to email the Healthy, Helpful, Gratitude, and Kindness ideas you come up with, and check back to get ideas from our MCS digital book!***

**Guidelines to email to gollj@medinabees.org:**

- Please title your email "Kindness Quarantine Challenge".

- Preference: NAMES with PICTURES: If you take a picture of you or your family doing something kind OR a picture of a letter you wrote, or a picture you drew for someone, whatever you came up with :o), along with the picture, write exactly how you would like the name to appear. (First name only, First and last, no name, family name e.g. The Smith Family)

- Preference: INFO ONLY WITHOUT PICTURES: Or, if you prefer, you can just email me to share what you or your family did without a picture and specify by writing exactly what you did along with name specifications. (First name only, First and last, no name, family name e.g. The Smith Family).

- If your parent filled out the request form earlier this year to not have your picture posted this year, it will not be posted.

Contact Information: gollj@medinabees.org