Quarter 2

Essential Question: How does understanding the music preferences of others help us to have a greater understanding and connection to them?

Essential Question: What are ways that musicians express themselves when performing music?

Essential Question: How do musicians grow and become accomplished in music?

By the end of Quarter 2:

  • I can compose rhythms using quarter notes and rests, eighth notes and whole notes.

  • I can sight read rhythms using quarter notes and rests, eighth notes and whole notes.

  • I can match pitch and sing unison music using good technique and posture.

  • discuss how music can bring people together.

  • discuss how musicians express themselves when performing music.

Learning activities include learning and preparing music for the Christmas Program; playing instruments; discussing performer and audience behavior and etiquette.

Wisconsin Standards for Music

MG1.Cr.5.i: Explore rhythmic, melodic and harmonic phrases.

MG1.Cr.6.i: Improvise rhythms and melodies with voice, instruments and a variety of sound sources to add interest to a song.

MG2.P.6.i: Explore and demonstrate an understanding of the elements of music by reading, singing and/or playing an instrument.

MG2.P.7.i: Demonstrate expressive qualities in performance.

MG.2.P.9.i: Identify the importance of the performer and the audience.

MG3.R.6.i: Express musical ideas through verbal, movement, written or artistic means.

MG3.R.7.i: Utilize appropriate music terminology in the evaluation/reflection of music performances.

MG3.R.8.i: Demonstrate proper concert/audience etiquette.

MG4.Cn.6.i: Explain how music relates to self, others and the world.

MG4.Cn.7.i: Examine and evaluate musical connections, similarities and differences.

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