Quarter 4

Unit Essential Questions

What strategies may lead to making good decisions?

What skills do you need to become a responsible and independant adult?

National Standards for Family Consumer Education

2.1 Demonstrate managment of individual and family resources such as food, clothing, shelter, health care, recreation, transportation, time and human capital.

2.2 Analyze the relationship between the global environment and family and consumer resources.

2.6 Demonstrate the management of financial resources to meet the goals of individuals and families across the life span.

2.7 Demonstrate the ability to use knowledge and skills to manage one's financial resources effectively for a lifetime of financial security.

I can.....

Students will take a variety of self assessments to help them determine their learning style and how that affects them as a student, employee and family member.

Students determine the skills and responsibilities that adults must perform.

Understand checking accounts, applying for credit cards, budgeting, and identity theft.

Recognize how to select a car based on future income projections, determine cost of insurance and repair maintenance costs.

Demonstrate practical skills to hem, sew button, laundry, home repairs.

Practice recipes to make nutritious and cost effective meals.

Create study tips, determine what resources are available on the post-secondary campus of their choice.