Quarter 1

Essential Questions

What factors influence one's ability to successfully interact?

What techniques will help you communicate more effectively?

what are the negative and positive approaches to handling conflict?

What is a friend?

What are reasons for dating?

What is love?

National Standards for Family and Consumer Education

13.1 Analyze functions and expectations of various realtionships.

13.2 Analyze personal needs and characteristics and their effects on interpersonal relationships.

13.3 Demonstrate communicaion skills that contribute to positive relationships.

13.4 Evaluate effective conflict prevention and management techniques.

I can.....

Determine what makes a person unique.

Understand active listening, body language, barriers to communication and the levels of communciaton.

Describe how conflicts have constructive and destructive effects on realtionships.

Determine the qualities of a true friend.

Identify how to make dating relationships successful and how dating can prepare a person for marriage.

Explain the different components of love.