Quarter 4

Essential Questions

How does a toddler develop?

How can we nurture a sense of diversity and anti-bias even from a young age?

How can we integrate theory to practice?

How is early brain development important especially in the first three years of life?

Why is it important to offer a wide range of toys and educational materials?

How does a parenting style connect to how effectively a child is disciplined or guided?

What qualifications are needed for a particular career in the field of child development?

Wisconsin Standards for Family and Consumer Sciences

P1: Students will evaluate the effects of parenting roles and responsibilities on strengthening the well-being of individuals and families.

P1.d.7.h: Analyze biological processess related to prenatal development, birth and health of child and mother.

National Standards for Family and Consumer Sciences

15.2.3 Analyze the effects of abuse and neglect on children and families and determine methods for prevention.

15.2.5 apply criteria for selecting care and services for children and youth.

I can.....

Recognize guidelines for proper toddler care (attachment, guidance, toilet learning, self-help)

Recognize biases and acknowledge family cultures.

Identify developmentally appropriate curriculum.

Explain the importance of theories in assessing development.

Explain the benefits of play.

Recognize how to include multi-cultural toys.

Identify qualifications needed for a particular career in early learning.