School to Work

Youth Apprenticeship is a one or two year program where juniors and/or seniors:

  • Follow a career pathway from high school to post-secondary institutions or the workforce.

  • Earn a paycheck and school credit while learning from paid professionals.

  • Increase career awareness.

  • Receive a state issued skills certificate

  • Programs are available in the following categories: Agriculture, Architecture and Construction, Finance, Graphic Design, Health, Hospitality and Tourism, Information Technology, Manufacturing, Science Technology and Engineering, Transportation Distribution and Logistics

Employment Partnership is a year long program for seniors interested in obtaining work skills or who are interested in going directly to work after graduation. Students will learn work skills while gaining high school credit and earning a wage. This option requires students to attend regular classes throughout the morning and spend the remainder of the school day at a work site. Placement is dependent on work site availability. Acceptance is determined by previous school records.