Quarter 2

Essential Questions

What are the personal qualities of ECE professionals?

Why is it important to integrate strategies that support diversity and antibias into the classroom.

What are the benefits and drawbacks of specific approaches to selecting a method of assessment?

What are the components of quality Early Childhood Education programs?

What are the specific areas of development of an infant and as a result what special features are required in an infant childcare setting?

What are the significant signs of development of a toddler and what special features are required in a sound environment?

Why is the term "preschooler" used to describe four and five year olds?

What factors define developmentally appropriate curriculum in the early childhood setting?

What are the effective ways to deal with behavior problems?

How can music and art experiences promote physical, social, emotional, and cognitive growth?

How can the preschool environment promote the development of language skills?

How did education evolve in the field of early childhood and what does the future hold?

How can children learn through play?

What careers are available in the area of child care and early learning?

National Standards for Family Consumer Education

4.1 Analyze career paths within early childhood, education & related services.

4.2 Analyze developmentally appropriate and culturally responsive practices to plan for early childhood, education and services.

4.4 Demonstrate a safe and healthy learning environment for children and youth.

4.5.1 Demonstrate professional practices and standards related to working with children, youth and adults, including diverse populations.

I can....

Identify characteristics of a successful teacher.

Recognize and select most appropriate assessments tools when performing observations.

Compare and contrast different options in child education.

Identify development in infancy period. Gain awareness to reduce SIDS and Shaken Baby Syndrone.

Identify development in toddler period. Knowledge of self-help, toilet learning.

Understanding how a young child learns.

Understand development of children between 4-6. Identify and dest up learning centers necessary in preschools.

Explore models and programs. Explain steps in planning a curriculum.

Identify goals of effective guidance and apply appropriate techniques.

Explain the benefits of music and art experiences.

Explain how language devlopment is critical in child development.

Who were the leaders of early childhood education and what is their impact?

What are the stages of play?
