PTA Meeting Minutes 2022-06-15

To view the recording of the full meeting, please request access to the video here.

06/15/2022 MECA PTA General Meeting Minutes

Attendees: Josh E., Monica S., Carlean Ingram (T); Kiendra Moore; Vivian Cruz (S); Sarah Kaplan; Nina Dibner ; Maurisha Dash, S Ortega; Shelby Banks; Mulgard; iPhone (  ); Joshua Ehrlich (), Martina Paillant (T)

Meeting started 07:05pm - Meeting Ended 8:16 pm



Welcome and launching the zoom

May Meeting Minutes and PTA Website:

 Josh went over the MECA HS PTA website and where to find the minutes meetings and to request PTA Meeting recorded video of the meeting.

Principal's Report:

Regents week continue this week

June 24th no class, no regents

Last day of school is June 27th. They will get the report card, additional letter and information that needs to go home.

Finalizing Summer School for this summer pending to the other HS needs and resources to determine what will be offered in the summer beyond the Living Environment There will be at Gov Island.  

Student List will be updated thru the end of June

Budget info was released. School funds was cut for about $1M. Ms Kaplan do not anticipated staffing issues but more of supplies and trips spending.

DOE announced that the App that was found to have security issue. Ms Kaplan will hope that DOE provides the sub app in advance.

Ms. Kaplan confirmed that for Graduation date PTA can provided the flowers and the presentation of

Treasurer's Report:

No new updates. Funds are still at $2K.

What are our fundraising plans?

Any info on Fundraising


Guest Speaker- Nina Dibner (PowerTools)

"Topic: Upcoming Workshops Plans"

Nina Dibner is a former educator with experience as a consultant for supporting schools with Advisory program, Inclusiveness, and offering develop support for Parents of highschooler.

We will offer workshop for family and caregivers but Nina will like to hear from MECA parents. Vivian sent the survey and there is still https://forms/gle/ibyhX6VMTD5UdYZs9

e.g. communicating with teenagers, Mental health concerns for our children,

Nina opened the floor for the parents in the meeting to speak or write on the chat about what they are interested:

Ms Kaplan would love to share the incoming 9th grader and 10th grader to get more response to the survey.

Nina agree to leave the survey open until October. Nina would like these ideas to keep coming. And how excited she is that these workshops will be offered in the Fall.

Action Items

Next meeting