Antenna Seminar

Friday- October 15, 2021

9:00am - 5:00pm

Bishop Ranch Ballroom
Salon E-H

We have put together a new and outstanding lineup of speakers who will provide informative and state-of-the-art presentations never heard before on the science of antennas. The Antenna Seminar is a full-day event. Topics range from the basics to more complex antenna concepts.

This seminar sells out each year, even standing-room-only attendance. So get your ticket early, if you don't want to miss this outstanding amateur radio event.


Antenna Seminar tickets must be purchased in advance and remain the same as last year's price. There is a $20 additional charge for this Friday all-day Forum which includes the ability to download all the speaker presentations. Additionally, you will be able to ask the experts questions during the “Panel of Experts” session at the end of the day.

The presentation handouts will be distributed to attendees from a document distribution website after the convention. The website will have all presentations that were available at the publications deadline; You will be able to use a browser (such as Chrome, Firefox, Safari) to login and download the documents in PDF format. Instructions with the download site link and access code information will be provided at the Antenna Seminar.

The download site will be available for one month following the convention.

A Pacificon℠ General Admission ticket (aka "Convention Badge") is also required to attend.

Buy tickets now for Pacificon℠ and the Antenna Seminar. Space is limited.

Antenna Forum Schedule-2021