Montrose High School

Work-based Learning



Get $$ to purse passion

The GripTape Learning Challenge empowers 14-19 year olds like you to drive their learning and explore their passions. This 10-week Learning Challenge, designed and led by YOU, provides the following:

Check out some Learning Challenge examples HERE.

The application has four simple questions (No essay required!) They open May 1st through May 31st. Check out their website for more information. You can also sign up on their interest form HERE to enter a raffle for a guaranteed Learning Challenge acceptance!


Experience the thrill of unearthing dinosaurs in the remote spaces of northwest Colorado. Learn the behind-the-scenes work that takes fossils from the field and turns them into the specimens we see in museums. Students have the option of getting up to 8 college credits working with professional paleontologists in the month of July. Students can also sign up and be part of the experience without getting college credit. Students 16 and up who are interested should visit with Mr Cqrbutt for more details.



Spend your summer backpacking the Colorado mountains, rafting the wild rivers of Utah, and participating in cultural exchange and service with Native American communities. 

Deer Hill Expeditions is a local Colorado outfitter that has been running wilderness and service expeditions in the American Southwest since 1984. Our programming focuses on themes of group and community development, self-realization, sense of place, and individual empowerment. 

See the PoWeR Center for details. 

AI Camp Scholarship Opportunity

Montrose High School students interested in learning about AI shoulc check out this AI Camp! Founded by Stanford Ph.D.s - we are leaders in AI education and we have made it our mission to open doors for students into the tech industry! We would like to invite Montrose High School students to apply for the 2024 AI Camp Scholarship (Deadline: March 10, 2024)! Please forward or share this opportunity with any student who may be interested.  The scholarship is designed for our highly popular AI Bootcamp summer program, a three-week, online journey through the fascinating world of AI. Here, over 5000 students have already transformed their curiosity into creation, developing their own AI product under the guidance of experts from top companies and universities like Google, Stanford, MIT, and many more. Scholarship Details:Open to middle and high school students, the AI Camp Scholarship—ranging from full to partial—is designed to make AI Bootcamp accessible to all. Scholarships are awarded on a first come, first served basis. The deadline for applications is March 10, 2024. Please advise students to act fast, as spots for this program are filling up quickly!

WFR Summer Training Scholarship Program

The WFR course is the standard level of medical training for professional outdoor recreation industry field staff that work multi-day, overnight trips in remote environments, military, technical rescue personnel, and those working in disaster relief.

Sophomore Future Builders Skill Trade Expo

All sophomores will attend the Building Futures Skill Trades event on Wednesday,  April 10th to learn more about the construction trade industry. Please make sure you have your permission slips into Mr. Cheezum in the counseling office. 


International Internships Available Through Pinhead

Juniors, COME LEARN ABOUT NATIONAL INTERNSHIPS at the PINHEAD PRESENTATIONS  in Telluride on Tuesday September 26 from 5:00-9:00pm.

2024 Applicants must attend these presentations. See your counselor or the PoWeR Center for more information. Check out the application website:

Other Exchange opportunities

EF Foreign Exchange:970-384-6070

 Aspect Foundation: 1-8---US YOUTH



Communities that Care Board Application

Apply for Youth City Council

Applications available in the MHS PoWeR Center

Student Ambassador

Safe2Tell, is excited to announce the new student ambassador program! They are looking for 10-12 high school students from across the state, with diverse backgrounds, that have a passion and want to be more involved with making our schools and communities safer. The focus this year is to break the code of silence, and with the help of these student ambassador's, we want to encourage more students to reach out with concerns, whether that’s to a trusted adult in their life or through Safe2Tell. This student-led group, with guidance from Safe2Tell staff, will meet about every 6 weeks as a large group, and one hour in smaller groups every other week, throughout the school year to complete two big projects:1)     A project that the Safe2Tell office has tasked them with2)     A project that they come up with to support student safety in their school or across Colorado Below is a direct link to the Ambassador application. Please contact or call 720-508-6800 with any questions, or if you need the application in Spanish.

Learn Cave Exploration Ecology

Pinhead Institute is bringing in an amazing ecologist speaker Jut Wynne who is a Cave Scientist on January 22 during lunch. This Pizza with Professionals is only available for the first 25 students who sign up. Students can sign up in the PoWeR Center.Jut Wynne is a truly talented presenter and trained professional speaker who leads a very adventurous life pursuing cave biology. You can learn more here.

Seniors, if you attended the Financial Reality, don’t forget you can apply for a $1,000 scholarship or do online learning and win even more money. Scholarships due April 5th.