Capstone Overview.pdf


Type & SubmitStudent Name: Team members:Proposed Project Topic: (What is the title of your Capstone Project?)Proposed Fieldwork: (Explain briefly what you will do for your fieldwork.)Proposed Final Product or Service: (Explain briefly what the end product or service of fieldwork will be.)Purpose/Goal of Project: (Explain briefly why you are doing this project.)Learning Stretch: (Explain briefly how this project will challenge you beyond what you already know. What will you learn from this project?)Planning: (Explain briefly what steps are required to do this fieldwork & service/product. You can use bullets to organize your thoughts.)Mentor: (Although you do not need to have your mentor chosen at this time, do you have an idea of who you would ask to be your mentor? If yes, explain briefly his/her background and how you know him/her. If not, how will you find someone to be a mentor?)
My Pathway(s) is/are __________________________.My future career is ____________________. (It is okay to put “unknown”.)How does this project fit into your Academy Pathway/ Career? (Explain briefly how this project ties in with your chosen pathway/career. If it does not, explain why you chose to do something outside of your pathway/career.)


I am honored to do a capstone for a Non-profit organization called Able Women which is based out of Montrose at Ross Reels and is managed by Colleen Aller. The goal of Able Women is to spread the message of how fly fishing is a great way to improve mental spiritual, and physical health for women. They are trying to connect ladies from all over the world, so they are able to lift each other up and go fly fishing together to create lifelong friends. I have designed social media for Able Women that features women, fly shops, and destinations from all around the world. I made a website platform that creates easy access to connect with others. I was partnered with a mentor named Kelly Brown who has a masters in marketing, plus tons of experience with small businesses. From her, I learned how to correctly market a message and utilize social media design software. Overall, I love fly fishing for the peace of mind one gets when out on the water. Fly Fishing is a huge relaxer and escape, and I feel like it can be the same for many others. I truly see the market for women fly fishing due to all the benefits it provides and am excite to promote it.