Helpful Links/Reading

On this page you will find links to articles or readings that the counseling department staff, teachers, or community members have recommended.

Mindfulness Resources




Anxiety & Depression

Suicide Prevention

    • Swimming Short Film: Suicide Prevention: One of our Whitman students created a short teen suicide prevention video; this film presents a powerful message created by a high school student speaking directly to other high schoolers. It includes a slam poetry piece, interviews with teens, an interview with a hotline operator, common warning signs of suicide, resources, and an interpretive dance. The overarching message of this video is to emphasize the importance of reaching out for help and reaching out to help others who might be struggling. While it was specifically created to empower those struggling with suicidal intentions, as well as those who know someone who may be at risk, it is valuable for all of us to watch so we can be more aware of everyone around us. Brought to you by Amelia Montagnino; Poetry by Jordan Shaibani.

    • Washington Post, March 18, 2019: "Teen suicides are on the rise. Here’s what parents can do to slow the trend."

College Application Process

Parenting Teenagers

Self-Management & Decision Making

Substance Use/Abuse

College/Career Readiness

Transition to College