Career Advising Coach

 Hello, WHS! I wanted to introduce myself to you. My name is Salena Geahwie, and I am the Career Advising Coach at Wheaton High School. This new position is part of the  Montgomery County Career Advising Program (MoCo CAP), based on the Blueprint for  Maryland’s Future. The program aims to ensure all students are College, Career, and Community-ready by the end of 10th grade. The Blueprint mandates a partnership between local workforce boards and local education institutions to provide these services. All Career Advising Coaches are employees of  Worksource Montgomery. The program intends to assist students with the process of self-reflection and identifying their main strengths, interests, and values. This will occur as part of students’ daily classroom lessons, in small-group meetings, by individual appointments, and as presentations at school events incorporating RIASEC themes. Students will also be able to participate in our MoCo CAP Meet-A-Pro events and onsite career field trips. 

My office is located in room 1606 (Ticket Booth), across from the gym, and my MCPS email address is I am very excited to be a part of the Wheaton High School staff and look forward to getting to know the wonderful community!