Tips & Activities for School Success

Free Movement & Mindfulness videos for kids

How the Food you Eat Affects your Brain

It’s all too easy to be extremely tough on ourselves; we need – at points – to get better at self-compassion. Here is an exercise from the on how to lessen the voices of self-flagellation and learn to appreciate the role of self-care in a good and fruitful life.  

We often think that the best way to have friends is to be deeply impressive and accomplished. This video explains how the route to true friendship always flows through vulnerability. 

Sexual Assault - understanding Sexual Assault



CRCMC Referral Link - student form 

The Conflict Mediation Center of Montgomery County (CRCMC) is available for mediation services.  CRCMC mediates conflicts that you may be having with another student or staff.  Mediation is private, Non-Judgemental, and Voluntary.