Ethical Use and Practices

Equitable Access

All students and staff have access to the library and its materials. Materials will be available in a variety of formats and at a variety of levels to meet the needs of all learners. The library will be organized to allow all learners to navigate the library and locate materials.

Students will visit the library regularly with their classes for instruction and to check out books.

The library will be open to students and staff throughout the school day for book exchange and to support research and personal information needs.

The library website, Canvas page, and Destiny Discover catalog will allow users to access library resources at any time from anywhere using a device to ensure timely access to information and resources.

Adapted from ALA Policies.


Library staff will respect student privacy.

Students will be able to select and read books from the library without judgment.

Information about circulation, including overdue or lost materials, will be shared in a way that maintains privacy.

Adapted from ALA Policies.

Photo credit: Photo by Allison Shelley/The Verbatim Agency for EDUimages. Accessed 4 December 2021.

acceptable use

Montgomery County Public Schools provides students with devices to use and access to a computer network for instruction and learning. Students are expected to:

  • Use technology productively and responsibly for learning

  • Acknowledge the work of others. More information on copyright and fair use can be found here.

  • Keep personal information such as passwords and addresses private

  • Report inappropriate use of technology

  • Be aware that equipment and use of the internet can be monitored

  • Understand that computer privileges can be suspended or students can be disciplined if technology is used in an unsafe way

Adapted from A Student's Guides to Rights and Responsibilities in MCPS 2021-2022