2018 October PL Days FRIDAY


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8:20 - 8:50 Meet and Greet

Atrium and Plaza

First Crack Roasting Coffee, tea and light snacks

9:00-9:30 All Staff Community Worship


  • Worship- The CCC Worship Band

  • Prayer-

  • Accompanying spouse dismissal/short stretch break

9:35-11:00 General Session on Biblical Integration


Please sit with your CCC group during the transition

Dr. June Hetzel- Dean and Professor, School of Education, Biola University

Keynote Session #1: “Prayer Practices in the Lives of Christian Educators”

Jesus said, “Abide in me, for apart from me you can do nothing” (John 15). This session explores the role of the Holy Spirit (Romans 8) and the interior life of prayer that opens up Christian educators to Spirit followership.

11:00-11:30 SBE Message and CCC Instructions


SAC- The "Grade-y Bunch"

11:40-12:40 Lunch


  • Please pick your children up from childcare

12:45-2:15 Cross-Campus Collaboration Session 1 (CCC)

ALL Boarding and Guidance: Meeting in the Counseling Center

Elementary Classroom:

K-2nd - Start in 2nd Grade Classroom

3-5th- Start in 5th Grade Classroom

Specialists and Secondary Teachers:

Start in CCC location on chart

Light snacks will be available in the breezeway throughout the afternoon (staff/spouse only)

2:25-3:25 Teacher Workshop Session 1

Your workshops have been assigned and the presenter is expecting you. Please do not change your workshop. Click tabs at the bottom of roster pages for different workshops and their locations.

3:30-5:30 Family Friendly Fun

China Trust Meeting in Conf. Room A (above offices)

Village, plaza, Volleyball in gym, fields, playground

Gold and Lamp Vendors; Biola undergrad information table in atrium

All these areas are free for staff recreation until dinner.

5:30-6:30 Family Dinner

Food in breezeway; Cafeteria and Plaza seating

  • 2 pieces per adult-sized person first time through (they are very large pieces)

  • You can have seconds after everyone has been through the line

  • PFO Group in basement commons (your food will be there- don't stand in the cafeteria line)

6:30-8:30 Night Time Family Fellowship

Please feel free to enjoy the evening on campus! Here are some activities for your family weather permitting.

Children under 6 must be supervised at the pool.