2018 August PL Day Taichung

Wifi Network: MACBYOD Password: heart2hands

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2018-19 Morrison PL Goals


9:00-10:00 All Staff Gathering


  • Worship- Jean Chang and Worship Band

  • Devotion- Tim McGill

  • Welcome New Staff - Bonnie McGill

  • Child Safety- Bonnie McGill

  • Today's Events and Information- Missy Basnett

    • Cross Campus Collaboration Groups locations and goals

10-10:15 Transition/Fellowship

EMS Breezeway

Coffee and snacks

10:15-11:50 Collaboration Session 1

  • K-5 Meet Briefly in 3rd Grade room for ELA review

  • Remaining groups meet in CCC groups designated on chart to the right

CCC Goals/Tasks for Today:

    • Introduce new staff

    • Decide on a leader for your group (keeps group on track, initiates contact)

    • Review applicable curriculum guides and resources (team drive or website)

    • Review units on Mastery Connect for your course assuring all teachers are collaborators

    • Begin year-long CCC goal (on document to the right)

CCC Groups 2018-19

11:50-12:45 Lunch


  • Menu:

    • Baked Potato Bar with sides, salad, fruit, tea, water, dessert

    • Clothes Closet (gently used clothing for all ages) will be open during lunch (behind old dorms, next to South Housing Tower)

12:50-3:00 Collaboration Session 2

  • All other CCC groups meet in same groups and locations as morning session

  • snacks/coffee will be available in breezeway all afternoon (take a walking break as needed)

3:15 Dismissal

Busses depart (MAT and MAK staff may take a snack bag from the Atrium)

If you didn't get last year's black Taiwan t-shirts, please grab one from the Atrium when you leave

Copy of 15-16 Taichung Campus Map PDF.pdf