MA Virtual PL Day 

August 2024

8:00-9:00 am All Staff Gathering (virtual)

Campus Locations (please join your campus staff):

Welcome - Scott Finch  (Director of Learning/MAK)

Devotion -  Julie Heinsman (Superintendent/MAT) 

Welcome New Staff - Alicia Edwards (Director of Human Resources/MAC)

Child Safety - Alicia Edwards 

Today's Information and CCC Tasks and Goal - Scott Finch

9:00-9:15 Break Time! 

Schoology Training & CCC Sessions

9:15-11:40 ES/MS Schoology Training or HS CCC Sessions

ES/MS  Schoology CCCs

9:15 - 11:15 ES/MS  Schoology Training (Followed by 30 min CCC debrief)

Teacher Training: Schoology Learning: Getting Started with Schoology

Campus Locations:

Who: Please see the  Schoology Training Assignments document.

11:20-11:40 CCC Groups After Training 

Debrief with your Job-alike team (Connect on CCC links)

What questions do you have for your campus support team? (Schoology Questions)

High School CCCs

9:15 - 11:40 HS Cross-Campus Collaboration Groups

Connect: The CCC point person has added a Meet link to the CCC document. Find your CCC group and connect with your job or course-alike team. Review the general CCC goals and decide on a goal your group wishes to collaborate on this year. 

CCC Overview for Today - Introductions, Curriculum Review & Update, and Create CCC Goals

2024-25 CCC Groups/Goals/Instructions (DRAFT)

12:00-12:50 Lunch

Provided for all staff on each campus: MAT- MPR, MAC- Cafeteria, MAK- MPR

HS Schoology Training & ES/MS CCC Sessions

12:45-3:00 HS Schoology Training or ES/MS CCC Sessions

High School Schoology CCCs

12:45 - 2:45 ES/MS  Schoology Training (Followed by 30 min CCC debrief)

Teacher Training: Schoology Learning: Getting Started with Schoology

Campus Locations:

Who: Please see the  Schoology Training Assignments document.

2:45 - 3:00 CCC Groups After Training 

Debrief with your Job-alike team (Connect on CCC links)

What questions do you have for your campus support team? (Schoology Questions)

Elementary/Middle School CCCs

12:45 - 3:00 ES/MS Cross-Campus Collaboration Groups

Connect: The CCC point person has added a Meet link to the CCC document. Find your CCC group and connect with your job or course-alike team. Review the general CCC goals and decide on a goal your group wishes to collaborate on this year. 

CCC Overview for Today - Introductions, Curriculum Review & Update, and Create CCC Goals

2024-25 CCC Groups/Goals/Instructions (DRAFT)

DON'T FORGET that you can still get "Googley"! 

Free t-shirts for earning your Google certification! Contact Scott Finch or your learning coach for more information. Testing fees are reimbursed by Morrison!