STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, & Mathematics) 


STEM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. It is an educational approach that emphasizes learning and applying concepts from these four interconnected fields. STEM education encourages critical thinking, problem-solving, and creativity, preparing individuals for careers in fields like engineering, computer science, medicine, and more. This strand prepares learners who wish to pursue careers in various fields of STEM to be equipped with the necessary knowledge in their chosen career paths.


Science involves understanding the natural world through observation and experimentation. Science careers provide opportunities to make discoveries, solve problems, and contribute to our understanding of the universe, offering paths to roles such as biologists, chemists, physicists, doctors, and many more.

Possible Careers


Technology refers to tools and applications created to solve problems or make tasks easier. Technology careers offer opportunities to innovate, contribute to the digital world, and play crucial roles in sectors like information technology, software development, and telecommunications.

Possible Careers


Engineering focuses on designing and building systems or structures to address specific challenges. Careers in engineering cover a broad spectrum, playing a pivotal role in shaping our world and making fields such as construction, transportation, energy, and more, essential.

Possible Careers


Mathematics provides the language and tools for quantifying, measuring, and analyzing various phenomena. Mathematics careers are essential for problem-solving, decision-making, and innovation across numerous sectors, making them highly valued in today's data-driven world.

Possible Careers


Choosing the right strand often involves assessing your interests, strengths, and goals. If you find genuine enjoyment and passion in your chosen strand, feel motivated to learn, and can see how it aligns with your career aspirations then you are in the right strand. It's also helpful to seek advice from your family, teachers, and mentors to gain insights and ensure your strand choice aligns with your talents and ambitions. 

It equips students with critical problem-solving skills, fosters a deep understanding of technology and science, and prepares them for careers in high-demand fields. Additionally, STEM education encourages innovation, creativity, and adaptability, all crucial skills in a rapidly changing world. It can lead to well-paying job opportunities and plays a key role in advancing technology, healthcare, and other critical sectors.

Yes, you can still pursue STEM even if you're not good in Math or Science. STEM offers a wide range of fields that can develop your interest in technology, engineering, and other STEM-related fields. Education is not solely about innate talent, but also about interest, effort, and determination. If you're willing to put in the time and work hard, you can improve your skills in these subjects.

Some schools may require students to take an entrance examination during the admission process. However, in Miriam College, entrance exams are currently waived for A.Y. 2024-2025. 

Applicants must prepare the following for the admission process:

The tuition fee for MCN SHS is around PHP 70,000, accompanied by basic and miscellaneous fees that amount to around PHP 30,000 per school year.