

As your school counselor, I have many roles: 

-I teach Life Skills classes for grades PreK-8.

-I work one-on-one with students or groups of students on any issues that bother them and/or interfere with their academic performance: from friendship conflicts to bullying to changes at home.

-I communicate with students, parents, teachers, and outside professionals to coordinate classroom accommodations for our school's ACCESS Program. If a student is struggling, I meet with all involved to address the issues and work towards solutions so that the student can reach his/her highest potential.

-I coordinate student and school events, such as Bullying Prevention Month and Red Ribbon Week - a national anti-drug education/awareness week. 

The list goes on, but my guiding mission is Christ-like kindness, and I'm honored to walk with each of you on your journey this school year. Have an excellent year!