The Transcontinental Railroad

Learning Target:  I will be able to evaluate the impact that the transcontinental railroad had on human migration and settlement in the United States.

Illinois Social Science Standards

Human Population: Spatial Patterns and Movements 

SS.G.3.6-8.LC: Explain how environmental characteristics impact human migration and settlement. 

SS.G3.6-8.MdC: Explain how changes in transportation and communication influence the spatial connections among human settlements and affect the spread of ideas and culture. 

SS.G3.6-8.MC: Evaluate the influences of long-term humaninduced environmental change on spatial patterns of conflict and cooperation. 

Key Terms

Bell Ringer Discussion

Think of a technology that has been invented or made popular in the last few years or decades.  What have the positive and negative consequences been with that new technology?


What is something we can not live without in our modern world, that we just accept the negative consequences for because of how much it benefits us?

Lesson Notes

The Transcontinental Railroad

The Transcontinental Railroad
The Transcontinental Railroad Primary Source Evaluation

Critical Thinking Questions

2a: The Transcontinental Railroad (Heartland).pdf