
7th-8th Grades

Supporting Well-Being and Academic Achievement Post-Pandemic

Since March 2020, students and their families have demonstrated remarkable resilience and flexibility during unprecedented times caused by the ever-changing demands of the pandemic. After returning to school full-time, and in person, there remains some uncertainty about the long-term outcomes of student social, emotional, learning, and well-being.  

While the pandemic's impact on student development and well-being will be studied for many years to come,  some research teams are beginning to publish their current findings.  The National Institute of Health (NIH) published Effects of COVID-19 Pandemic on Mental Health of Children and Adolescents: A systematic Review of Survey Studies and not surprisingly, discovered " the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on mental health and well-being of children and adolescents is multifaceted and substantial".  As researchers also explore interventions that focus on enhancing student well-being post-pandemic, programs that support the overall mental health and well-being of students can start now!

Mary of Nazareth is excited to introduce The Leadership and Development and MoN Success Program to students in grades 4-8. The program provides positive social (how we relate to others), emotional (how we feel), and behavioral (how we act) support to promote overall well-being and enhance academic achievementThe Leadership and Development and MoN Success Program focuses on helping students develop honest self-awareness as a foundation on which they can develop healthy social, emotional, and academic skills that enhance confidence, competence, and self-control.   Strategies that help develop self-awareness include; asking for feedback, self-reflecting, recognizing their strengths and weaknesses (without judgment), and postponing gratification. 

Both Leadership and Development and MoN Success blend study skills and social-emotional skills to support the whole child. Weekly sessions are geared toward the specific developmental needs of students in grades 4-5 (MoN Success) and grades 6-8 (Leadership Development). Along with a foundation is self-awareness, both programs emphasize the importance of developing personal strengths to increase self-management, social awareness, problem-solving, responsibility, and academic achievement.

How Parents Can Support 

This Program at Home 

The most successful students are those who have strong foundational skills and often this comes from a partnership between school and home.  Leadership Starts At Home—How Parents Can Set Kids Up For Success 

Fall Newsletter