About Us


Executive Board Officers 2023 - 2024

Alexandra Bastawros and Jezrah Sevilleno

Co - Presidents

Audrey Chodkiewicz and Alexandra Verzes

Co - Vice Presidents

Aqib Khan


Melanie Chanderdat


Juniors Seniors

Mrs. McMillan 


Our Mission

Purposes of the Matawan Regional High School Science Honor Society


1) Encourage our top students to perform science-related service activities that should, in turn, help to further the interest in science for all students.


2) Help the Science department with the service performed by the SHS candidates.


3) Recognize the achievements of our top performing science students.


4) Provide Science role models for all students in our school.

 Our Work

Through volunteer hours our members have helped struggling students as tutors, assisted the lower grades by preparing lessons and assisting with science fairs and activities, been involved with community activities such as beach cleanups. 


Members Corner

Important Updates & Messages

Acceptance requirements


·        Students must be Juniors or Seniors.

·        Students must have successfully participated in Science classes in all prior years.

·        Students must have maintained a science average of 94.5%* for all prior years.


*( A bonus 5% is added to your grade for Honors Classes and 8% for AP Classes).


Additonal Information for Senior Acceptance

 ·   Acceptance and/or induction into SHS as Juniors does not impact acceptance as Seniors.  The grades are recomputed to include the Junior results.

·  A student that was accepted as a Junior condidate but chose not to complete the required hours may still be accepted as a Senior candidate.  However, the student will be required to complete the induction requirements for a New Senior**.

Science Honor Society Induction Requirement



Prospective Junior members of Science Honors society are required to perform five hours of science-related school service. All service hours must be completed on by early April. See the main page of the SHS website for this  year's deadline.


How to do this:

1) Pick any science teacher(s) to act as mentor(s) (mutual agreement between student and teacher).

2) Discuss ideas with mentor and agree upon a plan.

3) After completion of the activity, fill in the hours completion form that can be found in the SHS google classroom in the ABOUT section.

4) The science teachers will be provided with a report detailing all of the students that they have mentored including names, activities, hours, and completion dates.  They will sign off thes forms.


After completing your hours, in May, you will be inducted into SHS. 

Students inducted into SHS must also act as role models for the behavior expected in Science classes.  Any behavioral infraction in or related to a science class that results in a write-up will be brought to the attention of the SHS advisor, and may result in the revocation of this nomination.

Seniors Who Have Not Been Previously Inducted into SHS

Prospective new Senior members of Science Honors society are required to perform five hours of science-related school service.  The first three hours are due by the end of December.  The last two hours are due by early April.  See the main page of the SHS website for this year's deadlines. 


How to do this:

1) Pick any science teacher(s) to act as your mentor(s) (mutual agreement between student and teacher).

2) Discuss ideas with mentor and agree upon a plan.

3) After completion of the activity, fill in the hours completion form that can be found in the SHS google classroom in the ABOUT section.

4) The science teachers will be provided with a report detailing all of the students they have mentored including names, activities, hours, and completion dates.  They will sign off these reports.


After you have completed your first three hours you may include SHS membership in your resume and college applications.

In May you will be inducted into SHS and your name will be included in the SHS section of the program for graduation.


Students inducted into SHS must also act as role models for the behavior expected in Science classes.  Any behavioral infraction in or related to a science class that results in a write-up will be brought to the attention of the SHS advisor, and may result in the revocation of this nominatio

Seniors who were previously inducted as Juniors


Prospective returning members of Science Honors Society are required to perform three hours of science-related school service. See the main page of the SHS website for this year's deadline.


How to do this:

1) Pick any science teacher(s) to act as mentor(s) (mutual agreement between student and teacher).

2) Discuss ideas with mentor(s) and agree upon a plan.

3) After completion of the activity, fill in the hours completion form that can be found in the SHS google classroom in the ABOUT section.  

4) The science teachers will be provided with a report detailing all the students they have mentored including names, activities, hours, and completion dates.  They will sign off these forms.


After you have completed your three hours you may include SHS membership in your resume and college applications. 


In May you will be reinducted into SHS and your name will be included in the SHS section of the program for graduation.


Students inducted into SHS must also act as role models for the behavior expected in Science classes.  Any behavioral infraction in or related to a science class that results in a write-up will be brought to the attention of the SHS advisor, and may result in the revocation of this nomination.

Save the Dates

Important Dates This Year



Hours Required By This Date

APRIL 15, 2024