Shout Outs Page 5

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Dear Brandon Rodriguez, Brandon, words can’t even describe how proud I am of you. You never fail to impress and you have an incredible future awaiting you. Tally-Ho! - Billy

Dear Brandon Rodriguez, Happy Birthday, hope it’s a great one- Ryan

Dear Brandon Rodriguez, Words cannot describe how proud we are of you! We have watched you grow from a quiet and timid young boy into a strong and confident man. You are hardworking and determined in everything you do, whether it be school, football, band...and we know you will continue to be successful as you begin your new adventure at Cornell! Always remember how proud we are of you, how very much we love you, and that you will always be our baby! We are in awe of you! You are amazing!

Love you so much❤️❤️❤️ -Mom and Dad

Dear Brandon Rodriguez, Congratulations, Brandon on graduating from high school and being accepted into Cornell! We always knew you were a smart cookie and we are very proud of you and all the hard work you have always done to get to this point. We know you will have great success in college and in your future. Grandma and Grandpa love you and are very proud of you! - Grandma and Grandpa

Dear Brandon Rodriguez, Congratulations Brandon!! All your hard work has paid off! With your work ethic we know you will have continued success in everything you do! - Uncle David, Aunt Jaime and the Girls

Dear Brandon Rodriguez, Congrats to the smartest boy we know! So proud of you! Go Cornell 👨🏻‍🎓👏👍🎈🥰

Love you! - Nana and Poppy John

Dear Brandon Rodriguez, I couldn’t be more proud. Every once in a while a truly special person is brought into this world. You are that person. I know there’s nothing you can’t accomplish once you set your mind to it. I hope you become the man I know you can (no pressure) I love you and you are a true Star Wars nerd! I always prayed that one day you would grow into that enormous head of yours but now I know you it’s your heart that’s truly enormous and let that be what truly drives you for the rest of your life. I love you. God bless. The world is yours! -Uncle Fred

Dear Brandon Rodriguez, I can't express how proud I am of you. Your dedication, commitment and hard work is an inspiration to all. Not only do you possess the key qualities to success, you possess one of the most important qualities as a human being which is being caring and kind. "The road to success and greatness is always paved with consistent hard work. Outwork your competitors, be authentic and above all your greatness" Congratulations! Love you always! -Aunt Kimmy, Sydney, and Steven

Dear MRHS Graduating Seniors, Congratulations and bravo to you! You should be very proud of your achievements. I have taught many of you, either in sixth or in seventh grade, and I wanted to wish you all the best as you embark on your next adventure. - With much Affection, Mrs. DiNoia

To the Class of 2020

  • Graduation is an exciting time. It marks both an ending and a beginning; it’s warm memories of the past and big dreams for the future. Congratulations!!

  • Catch the trade winds in your sails.... Explore, Dream, Discover.

Wishing You All The Best Class of 2020!!- Nancy (Angello) Zanghi (Class of 1972)

Dear MRHS CLASS OF 2020! CONGRATULATIONS! You did it! You are graduating during a very special time in history. More than ever, you need to be courageous and strong. Go after your dreams with an unrelenting passion while being flexible enough to accept the occasional twist that life will present. Be patient as you stay focused because just when people quit, their victory was just one more step away. But I know you won't quit. You are from MRHS. And we are a school of winners! So take a moment to pat yourself on the back for graduating. Then plan your road map to your biggest dream. And step by step; day by day move closer to it. But don't forget to enjoy life as well. I'm very proud of you. I know the future will be brighter with you in it! Again, CONGRATULATIONS!! Yours, Larry "Mr. Sticks" Crockett (MRHS Alumnus)

Dear Bryn Radvanski, Congratulations Bryn! We are so proud of you and all you have accomplished! We know you will continue to grow as a beautiful young lady and succeed as a student athlete! Keep chasing your dreams❣️Hope we get to see you play in college! - Uncle Hugh, Aunt Cindy, Bella, Hughie, Thomas and Truman

Dear Bryn Radvanski, Congratulations, Bryn!!!! The best cousin there ever was!!!! PROUD is the biggest understatement! I can not wait to watch you take the world (and the soccer field) by storm! Love you beyond measure!! 💜 - Kiera

Dear Bryn Radvanski, Congratulations Bryn! Wishing you continued success and happiness! - Love, the Loniewski's

Dear Bryn Radvanski, CONGRATULATIONS BRYN !!! We are So Proud of you.. For all of your hard work and accomplishments ....and for wonderful person you are. Always a superstar ... Next up... College. We Love You! - Uncle Kevin, Aunt Carolina, & Lukas

Dear Bryn Radvanski, CONGRATS GRAD!!!! The last of the fam to head off to college! I am so excited for you and everything you are going to accomplish. Remember, no pressure but you’re our last hope for a cousin beach house 😋 Can’t wait to see you play in college. Winthrop is so lucky to have you. Love you always cousy! - Erin Radvanski

Dear Bryn Radvanski, Bryn (Min Pin), we’re so proud of you! Congratulations! We’ve loved watching you grow up, and now you’re such a wonderful big cousin to the next generation of little ones! We’ll visit you at Winthrop — I think Ashlea knows how to get there! See you at the shore — we’ll leave the hot tub on for you! - Uncle Colin, Aunt Ashlea, Little Colin, Ada, & Mara

Dear Class of 2020. During this tumultuous time in our history we are blessed to have you stepping up more fully into the world. Your talents, your hard work, your inspiration will make a difference. These are unprecedented times and we need your idealism, your vigor and your dedication more than ever. Whatever your next step is, stand for greatness, do not compromise your ideals, know how important you are at this time. There are so many areas in life that need your vision, your truth and your faith. Your class has had to adjust to great change and you have lost some of the ceremonies and excitement that graduation can bring. Yet, you are graduating at a time when unity and love for one another is being called for and demonstrated across our country and beyond. It is such an important moment and I have no doubt that you will be the movers and shakers, and the light bearers going into a new and exciting future. I am grateful for you. God bless you and may you hold fast to your dreams and visions. May the prayers that grow within you bloom in many lands. We are woven of connections, and peace is in our hands. Benediction- Bernadette Miller Many Blessings, Karla

Dear Caley Scheuing, Caley, congratulations on your commitment to Rutgers University next year as a Marketing Major and being apart of the Rutgers Dance Team. Beyond being such an incredible dancer, you are an amazing person. You are amazing on the inside and out and I know your future has so much in store for you. I wish you the best of luck in the future, I'll miss not dancing on the field with you! - Megan Frappier

Dear Alyssa Funt, Alyssa, Congratulations on your commitment to Rutgers University to study Pharmacy! You are not only an extremely intelligent person but an incredible dancer and amazing person. You have the most amazing technique and your leaps are nothing short of flawless. It has been amazing being on dance team with you, and I'll missing dancing with you next year. Your future is bright, and I wish you the best of luck with all your future has in store! I'll miss you! - Megan Frappier

Dear Jenna Long, Jenna, It feels like I've known you forever because of summer theatre and play, and after all this time I feel like you've never changed. You've remained the same talented, hardworking, inspiring, caring person since the first time I met you. You continue to be an inspiration to me and I am so lucky to have been able to dance under the lights with you on the field. Congratulations on your commitment to University of Delaware to study Exercise Science, and an even bigger congrats for making the dance team! I can't wait to watch you at competition next year(say hi to Danielle for me)! Love ya Jen Ben, Margo Jones and I will miss you! - Megan Frappier

Dear Brianna Gambino, Bri, Congratulations on your commitment to Kean University to study Elementary Education. Beyond your academic success you are an amazing person and an extremely talented dancer. I loved being able to watch you dance at practice and dance by your side on the field. You have been such an inspiration to me and I will miss you next year! I wish you the best of luck in the future! - Megan Frappier

Dear Gianna Velez, Gi, Congratulations on your commitment to Montclair State University to study Psychology, and I am so proud of your for making the Dance Team! It has been so much fun being able to dance with you! You are not only an incredibly talented dancer, but an amazing person who is capable of amazing things! Your future is bright Gi, and I can't wait to see what is in store for you! I wish you the best of luck, I'll miss you! - Megan Frappier

Dear Anna Caputo, Anna, I don't even know where to begin. From the first time I danced with you at the studio in ballet class, I knew how talented you were. You have been such an inspiration to me over the years as a dancer and as a person. You have the kindest heart and I admire your hard work ethic in everything you do. Congratulations on your commitment to Stockton University to study Biochemistry and Molecular Biology! I can't wait to see what you accomplish in the future. I wish you the best of luck, Ill miss you! - Megan Frappier

Dear Emily Mularadelis, Em, Congratulations on your commitment to Temple University to study Speech Pathology! I am going to miss your positive personality at practice and being able to dance on the field with you. You are not only a talented dancer but an amazing person on the inside and out and I know you will accomplish amazing things. I wish you the best of luck in the future, I'll miss you! - Megan Frappier

Dear Emalie Lasko, You did it! Congratulations on your High School Graduation! We are so proud of your accomplishment. Never stop trying, never stop learning, living life to the fullest, and give nothing but your best. We wish you all the happiness and success always. With all of our love, Aunt Shanon Uncle Craig, Nine, and Craig Jr.

Dear Julianna Long & Cole Burlew, You’ve both have made us so “Proud” ! We love you two so much !!! - Love, Mom-Mom & Pop xxoo❤️

Dear Julianna Long, We are both so proud of you!! Keep reaching for the stars ✨! We love you so much !! - Mom and Dad

Dear Emma Garofalo, Congratulations Emma! We are so proud of you and all your accomplishments!! Can’t wait to see what the future holds for you! We love you! - Mom and Dad

Dear Marissa Lopresti, Congratulations Marissa on your Graduation! You’ve worked hard~be proud of you~I am. And now...Imagine your dreams. Imagine with all your mind, Believe with all your heart, Achieve with all your might. Use your light your spirit and gifts to make your dreams a reality. This crazy “2020 Pandemic” time we are in cannot take any of THAT away from you! “Anything you can imagine is yours to be or do or have” Anonymous - Love you beyond the moon, MaMeg xo

Dear Evans Boateng, Nephew, I am so proud of you and the young man that you have become. I know that you will do great things in your life. I love you and know that your Grandpa and Grandma are in heaven smiling down on you and that they will always be with you. Love you and know I am always here for you. - Uncle Tony

Dear Evans Boateng, Congratulations Alex on this great accomplishment.... You Graduated High School!!! We are so very proud of you!! We pray God's continual favour over you as you dive into the next steps He has for you!! You will be Awesome!! We love you!! - Cousin Ashley, Cousin Antoine, Jasmine, and Adrian

Dear Evans Alexander Boateng, Congratulations on your High School Graduation Alex! You are an inspirational young man! Your song from elementary school still applies "You can do it, You can do it, if you just stick to it! You can do it , you can do it, if you try! Praying for your continued success in life! Love you always! - Aunt Phiny

Dear Christian Kennedy, Congratulations!!!! We are so proud of you and can't wait to see the wonderful and amazing things you will do. Love you!!!! - Mom and Dad

Dear Emma McNamara, Congratulations! I wish you success in the future. Thank you for being a good caregiver. I'm glad to be your brother. I hope you succeed in everything you do. - Connor

Dear Emma McNamara, Congratulations on your graduation! We are all so proud of you. It's been a tough road, but you have overcome so many obstacles to get here. Good luck in your future endeavors. We all love you!!! - Mom, Dad, Jimmy, and Connor

Dear Jessica Cardona, I could not be more proud of all that you have accomplished and can’t wait to see what the future holds for you. I wish you nothing but the best as you start the next chapter in life. Most important, have fun and enjoy the adventure at Fairleigh! Love always! - Mom

Dear Ke'Shawn Anderson, Congratulations!!!!! Ke'Shawn words can not express how proud we are of you. You came through many obstacles, but you remained focused and you never gave up. We know that you will continue to make us proud of you, as you serve our country in the U.S. Army. We pray that God continues to bless you on this next journey you are about to embark on. Always know that We love you!!! - Daddy, Sherriese, Tiana, and Aiden

Dear Kaitlyn Knauer, I still remember where I was sitting on college campus when your mom called me to tell me she was pregnant with you. I was officially an Aunt! I am so proud of you. You are an amazing woman Your future is bright and I can't wait to see what God has in store for you. Congratulations, Kaity! We love you so much! - Aunt Amy, Uncle Dave, Cole, May, Aiden & AJ

Dear Anna Margarites, Congratulations on your high school graduation!!! All the best in your upcoming college years. We know you will excel in any career you choose. We are so proud of you and love you very much. - YiaYia and Papou

Dear Sara Margarites, Congratulations on your high school graduation. We wish you all the best and know that you will succeed in the next chapter of your life!! We are so proud of you and love you very much. - YiaYia and Papou

Dear Katherine DeVoe, Congratulations!!!!I am so proud of you. You have worked hard to get where you are today. I can't wait to see how your future unfolds. Loved you yesterday, love you today, and will love you forever no matter what! - Mom

Dear Katherine DeVoe, Congratualtions! We Love You!!!! - Gram and the Milano Crew

Dear Jaidyn Brigandi, Jaidyn- You were our first born grandchild - you made us Babci and Grandpa!! From the beginning I called you my "Angel" because that's what I thought you looked like when you were born. (Not because of your name like your mother says). You were small and delicate and so beautiful. We watched you grow and were amazed that you learned sign language at an early age to communicate which avoided frustration and tantrums. You were VERY smart even then. We had overnight visits with you and Jake in a makeshift tent that Grandpa was so eager to put up in the living room, popcorn and treats and late nights. We watched your school concerts, dance rehearsals, and your dance competitions trying so hard to video them without anyone seeing. You put your heart and soul into each dance and we could see how much dance was such a part of you! You made music part of your body. You have grown into such a beautiful, intelligent, respectful , gracious, amazing person and we can't believe that you are already on your way to college and beyond. The world is yours to conquer and make your own. We know that you can achieve anything you put your mind to because we have seen the person you have become. Be brave, but be smart; be curious, be kind, but be firm; BE YOU! because you're GREAT! - ALL OF OUR LOVE, BABCI AND GRANDPA