Shout Outs Page 4

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Dear Marco Medel, We are so proud of you and so very grateful for all the years of friendship you have shared with Gavin. We've loved watching you grow along side of Gavin into a kind, loyal, funny, thoughtful, smart and genuine young man. Wishing you all the best at Steven's. We know you will do awesome! We look forward to sharing more of life's special moments with you and your family! - All our love - Joanne, Steven, Abby & Gavin too!

Dear Brandon Groh, Congratulations!! You will always have a special place in our hearts. We love you as if you were our own family. You have been such a major part of Gavin's childhood memories and looking back at family party pics always include our Brandon. We wish you All the Best on your next chapter and Always! - All our love - Joanna, Steven, Gavin & Abby

Dear Bryn Radvanski, You are such a special girl! Whenever I think of you, see you, or Gavin mentions you, I smile! You are a sweetheart and your smile is infectious! Congrats on your graduation, Good Luck in College and All the Best is wished for you Always! - Love, Joanne Klamm (AKA Momma Klamm)

Dear Elijah McKenzie, Big E!! I am so proud of are gonna do big things in this world. Seems like it was just yesterday I was helping Lex decide on your name (you’re welcome!) :) I can’t wait to visit you at school with mom and the aunties (I’m sure you can’t either!) Keep shining love and always keep that positive and fun loving attitude.... make it happen!! Love you big! - Auntie Ton Ton

Dear Bryn Radvanksi, I wanted to wish you well in your future endeavors. You have always been a special person. Never change. The world needs more people like you. - Mrs. McFadden

Dear Bryn Radvanski, Bryn..we love you you and are so proud of you. Congratulations on your high school graduation! We look forward to your future adventures. - Aunt Regina and Uncle John

Dear Gavin Klamm, I am proud of you and everything you have done. Thank you for being such a good brother even if you do get on my nerves sometimes. I'm really upset that you're leaving and I'll miss you more than you can imagine. I'm not ready for you to leave and I don't want to be an only child. I hope your first year at college is a good one. - Abby

Dear Gavin Klamm, The memories you have given us are filled with love and will last forever. You have showed us your many talents~ Art, mathwiz, soccer, humor and your love of family and the love they have for you. You've got it all and we will cheer you on always. We couldn't have asked for a better grandson. Our love is always with you. Go Gman! - Love PopPop and Ahma ❤️

Dear Class of 2020, The Senior Class that I will always remember. I have had the opportunity to share some great times with you all as a class! I will miss each and everyone of you!!! - Dr. Rawls

Dear The Class of 2020, I have known some of you since 6th grade - and was lucky enough to teach you twice! I have seen you grow from little kids to young adults ready to take on the world. You are bright, resilient, funny and kind - and you will do great things! Best of luck in all that you do! - Love, Mrs. Harrington

Dear The Class of 2020, Congratulations! You guys did it! You guys were the first class I had the privilege of watching grow up from sophomore year in chemistry to being seniors and graduating. I wish you all the best of luck as you move on from MRHS. Things may get tough at times, but I want you all to remember something: You got this. Congratulations and good luck! - Mr. Fitz

Dear Jaiden Berry, Thank you for always being someone who I could count on ever since elementary school. I know you are going to do great things. Best of luck always to my not so little, little brother! - Kim Lopez

Dear Heidi Mohn, Thank you so much for all of the time we spent together in high school. I had a blast each and every year. I'm so excited to be going to college with you. You are going to do amazing things. - Kim Lopez

Dear Laura McConnon, Congratulations on graduating! I'm so excited for you and your future. I know you are going to do great things, Let's go bike riding together sometime soon! - Kim Lopez (and the cook)

Dear Dylan Barbieri, Congratulations on graduating! I can't wait to see what you do next. Thank you for always making me laugh from 7th grade all the way to 12th, always keep in touch :) - Kim Lopez (the eldest by two days)

Dear Danielle Harzold, Where do I even begin, you are the smartest, funniest, and sweetest girl I know. I know you are going to do amazing in college. Definitely keep in touch and hopefully we can celebrate melon day in 2021! Love ya, also say hi to your parents and Alyssa for me :) - Kim Lopez (or as you say, Kimichanga)

Dear Kimberly Lopez, Congratulations on your achievements. We are all very proud of you. Good luck on your new academic endeavors. We love you Champion Lopez! - Mom and Dad

Dear Ethan Chandler, During your time at Matawan Regional High School we watched as you grew into a man and we couldn’t be more prouder! Wishing you all the best at Rutgers University! - Mom, Dad, and Paige

Dear Cassie Daniele, Congratulations...we are so proud of you..and love your winning spirit ! - Hugs :) Aunt Kathy and Uncle Skip

Dear Cassie Daniele, Congrats on your graduation! Wishing you an amazing time @ American University! - Julie Evans

Dear Ronnie Habib, Ronnie, Words cannot describes how proud we are of you. Your success in school came with a lot of hard work and dedication. You are the daughter that every parent wishes for. We can’t wait to see where life will take you next. Wherever it is, we are always with you! Always remember: There’s no limit to what you can do if you keep believing in yourself! Love you always ❤️❤️❤️ - Mom and Dad

Dear Luke Zibbell, I cannot tell you how absolutely proud we are of you Luke! Your future awaits and how exciting it will be! You are such a mature.responsible man whom we are so very proud to have as a son and brother. Remember, to grab confidence from your wins, perseverance from your falls, and remember to use a mix of your head and your heart for the in-between. Lastly, not all are as fortunate as you have been, so "always stay humble and kind". If you accomplice nothing else, you have given us the greatest gift. Congrats! - Mom & Dad

Dear 2015-2016 Bee Team, "Once a Bee, Always a Bee!" Wishing you all unBEElievable success and happiness in your future endeavors!- Your 8th Grade Bee Teachers (Bebel, Cahill, Dansky, Spafford, Towle, Wangen)

Dear Faith Smith, CONGRATULATION FAITH!!!! We knew you could do it, and can't wait to see what the future brings. Love you and Best Wishes in whatever you do. - Love, Mom, Dad, Kristina, and Faith

Dear Speech and Debate Team, To my favorite SQUAD! You all have inspired me so much! I was honored to be your coach this year. I learned so much about student leadership from each of you. I will always remember our bus rides and special chants as we made it home from tournaments. To the seniors! You all did a great job leading the team throughout the entire year! Thanks for recruiting me! - Dr. Rawls

Dear Heidi Mohn, CONGRATULATIONS Heidi, you have grown to be a Beautiful, Smart young woman. May your future be Bright. - Your neighbors, The Smiths

Dear the Class of 2020, Way back when you all were at MAMS, you were a very special group, so why wouldn't your graduation be any different? You guys rocked it at MAMS and MRHS, and now is the time to show the world how special you all are. Go show the world what you got! Congratulations Class of 2020!!- Mrs. DeBe

Dear the MRHS Graduating Class of 2020, Congratulations Seniors!! Wow, I am so proud of you ALL and I know you are destined for greatness!! It was an honor being your 9th grade counselor, and I want you to know that you can always reach out to me if you need anything! Huskies For Life!!- Mrs. Leach

Dear Mr. B, Thank you for getting me through all of these years and feeling like a father to me. I owe you the world and more! -Samantha

Dear Zoe Tilis, We are beyond lucky to have you as part of our Studio B Family. You were a huge part of the growth of the studio this year! Thank you for believing in us and helping to make our vision "COME ALIVE". We are so proud of you and the inspiring legacy you will leave at Studio B will carry through for many seasons to come. You have served as a role model to your community as an assistant teacher and a leader to your fellow company members as Captain of our Studio B Dance Company. We are so thankful to have watched you grow into such a beautiful dancer. We wish you all the best in your future endeavors. Go out and conquer the world and never stop believing! Remember you will always have a home at Studio B! - Miss Barbara and all of Studio B Dance Company

Dear High School Class of 2020, I'm honored to have taught some of you in eighth grade and to have received the opportunity to see how much you've grown. You have all taken a tough situation and made the best of it because that's the kind of people you are. Keep growing and keep succeeding! Congrats Class of 2020!!! - Mrs. Starr

Dear Class of 2020, Your class will always be associated with stregnth, resiliance and tenacity. Go on to greatness! Bonam Fortunam! - Patricia Portee-Wells

A message from Ms. Mancuso!

Dear Elijah, Niles, and Carlos, So many memories made, so much fun we had. I hope you all know how much I love you and how proud I am of you. I want you to look back at the times we shared and smile. I want you to know how much I enjoyed every moment we were together. I’ve never taken for granted that I an privileged to be a part of your lives. And know there is always sweet tea and lemonade for you at my house! - Ms. Alexa

Dear Darrell Rogers, You are an inspiration to us all. I’ll never forget making sure you were in the car when we left a tournament, you were so quiet. The first time you had chick fil a, you came to my for your birthday one year, we had pizza and went to help Coach Shep at a tournament. I cherish every memory made, every second I’m in your presence. Your smile lights up the biggest of rooms! I’m so proud of your accomplishments. Never stop smiling! I love you so much! - Ms. Alexa

Dear Marcelo Colonna, Never in a million years did we think your senior year would be ending this way. Your achievements have gone way beyond our expectations. Keep being the strong willed, funny, annoying(what we love the most), and kind hearted person we know. You can turn a sentence or word into something else and make us say the most crazy things. Don’t know why we do it but that is part of who you are. So happy you were able to enjoy your last year of playing soccer but sad for the kids who didn’t have their opportunity to enjoy senior night and their season. We were so blessed and proud to watch all of your games. Although you won’t be having the proper graduation it will never define you as a person and what you’ve accomplished in all your years of school. Feels like yesterday we were dropping you off at Pre-K. 12th grade felt like it was so far away. We wish you all the best on your next four years of college studying criminal justice and homeland security. Your dream is to work one day for the FBI. Scary dream for a parent but if you push hard enough you can succeed in anything you do. We love you more than you will ever know. So proud of you and honored to call you our son. Stay true to who you are because in our eyes you are one in a million!! Te queremos mucho!!

Dear Kelly Lambertson, Kelly (Hun), one of our Ravine Drive girls! It’s been amazing watching you grow into the person you are today. We are so proud of you and all your accomplishments. Although senior year is not ending as expected you are all a great group of kids that nothing will stop you. We are so happy we were part of all these years and the memories we’ve made together will last a lifetime. We wish you the best of luck at Marist and we know you will do great!! We will be watching and cheering you on every step of the way!! - Love, part of the Colamb Fam!

Dear the Senior Soccer Huskies, Wishing you all the best of luck with whatever your future plans may be. It’s been a pleasure watching you all play since the time you were little and now as the fine young men that you all are. You played as a team and left your heart on the field. The memories you have to look back on will never be forgotten. Congratulations Graduates! - Love, The Colonna Family