
Page 2

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Faith and Mr. Carovsky!
Juli and Kelly before a concert!
Colin and Joe in Mr. Matawan
Brynn and Bryn on Halloween!
Kelly, Colin and Zeus at Cheesequake State Park!
Football Game!
Volunteering on Staten Island!
Anna, Sara, Bryn and Kelly before a Gsoc Scrimmage!
Latiesha and Emma after a track meet!
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Jess and Joe on New Years!
Brynn and Kelly at Prom!
Ms. Sa with Alyssa!
Taylor Swift concert!
Mrs. Varma with the boys.
The boys learning Stat
Mr. Harnett and some of our Civic Leaders on the retreat
Beach Day!
Kelly and Bryn on the Oceanography Trip!
Junior Year BOTC Dance!
Liz and Ahlaysiah!
Colin, Zeus, and Kelly matching for Christmas!
Anna and Bryn!
Colin and Kelly Skiing!
Emma, Bryn, and Goetz helping out at baseball camp over the summer
Zoe, Melissa, and Kaitlyn with Ms. Sa!
AP Physics Lab
Denino's Pizza Place workers
Devil's Game!
Emma, Mr. Bloss, and Baby Bloss!
Sunset at the Point Pleasant Inlet!
Civic Retreat
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