Senior Shout Outs

From Your Proud Family, Friends & Teachers

Congratulations to the MRHS graduating Class of 2020! This is only the beginning of your amazing journey. Work hard, tell the truth, and be good. Stay true to yourselves and always follow your dreams!! - Mrs. O'Neill

Dear GSOCC Seniors, Thank you for making the past 3 years absolutely amazing. Thank you for all the memories, the inside jokes, and the constant laughter even in serious situations. It’s going to be so weird not playing soccer with my best friends again. I know you all are going to do great things, I love you with my whole heart! - Jess Lab

Dear Kelly, Emma, Sara, Anna, Bryn, Haylie, Paige and Meg, Congratulations guys! I’m lucky to have been able to play soccer with you, you’re all so talented and kind. I wish you all the best at college!❤️ - Megan Stuart

Dear Norman Gardell, Super proud of you Norm! Can’t wait see all the amazing things you'll accomplish! Xoxo - Morgan Lapinski

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Dear Emma Garofalo, Can’t believe you are leaving me! I am so proud of you can’t wait to see all the amazing things you accomplish!! - Morgan Lapinski

Dear Emma Garofalo, To one of my best friends in the whole world, I’m going to miss you so much. I can’t wait to visit you, don’t worry Morgan will not be driving, and see you live it up at URI. I’m so lucky to have had the sweetest, kindest, and funniest girl by my side through every little moment. It won’t be the same without you, but I know you will be killing it in Rhode Island! I love you with my everything! - Jess Lab

Dear Senior Soccer Players, Congratulations to the senior soccer players and their families. We wish you all the best of luck going forward. Remember "Once a Husky Always a Husky" - Girls Soccer Team

Dear Emma Garofalo, Congratulations Emma!! We are so very proud of you. We can't wait to celebrate with you in person. Love you!! - Aunt Beth, Uncle Ken, Rachel and Matthew

Dear Emma Garofalo, Congrats to all of the class of 2020 and especially to our granddaughter Emma Garofalo! Good luck at URI we are very proud of you! - Pop Pop & Grammy

Dear Emma Garofalo, It’s been great throwing with you these last few years! I’m going to miss stressing with my favorite relay partner before meets! I wish the best for you in college! - Gianna Aiello

To the amazing Class of 2020, So many of you have left lasting impressions on our hearts. We know that you are going to do amazing things. Please remember, you only go around once, so make it awesome. You can always change things in your life and make them better, but always stay true to your promises and to yourself. We wish you all the best. We are saddened that we didn't get to finish the school year with you. We hope that you will keep in touch with us and let us know what you are doing in September. We miss you! - Mrs. Pisani & Ms. Whitney

Congratulations to the class of 2020; you truly are a unique class. I hope you enjoyed your high school experience and I wish you the best of luck in the future! Go Huskies!- Mr. Craparo

Dear Kelly Lambertson, Hey Kel you’ve graduated!!!! Thanks for always being a great captain and someone to talk to. Live it up at Marist!!!!!!! - Gabi Medel

Dear Emie Lasko, Congratulations! So Proud of you! Dream Big! - Love Aunt Michele and Squad❤️

Dear Sara Margarites, Hey Sara!!! Congrats you graduated!! I know you’re gonna do big things at Gettysburg but I’m really gonna miss you on the field and hanging around my house. So much love <3 - Gabi Medel

Dear Bryn Radvanski, Congrats, Bryn!!!! I’ll miss you next year, you’ll do great things at Winthrop, love u!! - Gabi Medel

Dear Emie Lasko, I am SO proud of you! Wish you the Best !! - Love, Grandmom

Dear Anna, Congrats on graduating, Anna!!! I’ll miss you next year, on and off the field. Gettysburg doesn’t know what it’s getting, live it up!! p.s. thanks for always giving me rides everywhere, love u <3 - Gabi Medel

Dear Kelly Lambertson, You are graduating high school and I don’t believe it. It doesn’t feel real that you are done with your four years at Matawan Regional High School and I’m only halfway there. Maybe one day I’ll accept the fact that your leaving me, but for now I'd rather not. I know your going to do great things at Marist and I can’t wait to come and see you play, but mostly come while my family goes to RPI. School and Soccer won’t be the same without and I’m gonna miss you more then you’ll ever know. Congratulations on graduating it’s now time for you to go do big things. I love you! - Kailee Bodin

Dear Kelly, Congratulations Kelly! We are so proud of all your accomplishments. We are extremely excited for you and the new chapter you will begin at Marist. We wish you nothing but the best. Work hard and have fun!! We can’t wait to come see you play ! ⚽️🦊 - ❤️Aunt Tara, Uncle Matt, Caitlin & Caroline

Dear Kelly, I will miss walking with you to fifth period! I hope you have a lot of fun at Marist. Love you kel!! You better make sure to text me about Manifest every week. - Julia

Dear Kelly Lambertson, So this HS journey has ended not in a way you or any of us expected. This just added to the roller coaster of the good and not so good times along the way. But you have great resilience and persevered because of your hard work and dedication. You are about to journey a new path and your many talents and gifts will help you along the way. We see your kindness, your compassion, your independence and your leadership. You wear your heart on your sleeve and you will make a great difference in this world. We are Very Proud of You!! Remember your Roots- Family, Friends & Faith. Now is your time to fly! Stay focused, Stay Fierce and Stay You! And always remember you are smarter than you think, stronger than you believe and more beautiful than you ever imagined! We love you!! - Love Mom and Dad

Dear Colin, Congrats Grad! I am so proud of you for grinding it out these past four years. I know this isn't the ideal Graduation, but it is a great opportunity to look back and appreciate all the good times and memories you have made that much more. I'm lucky to have had the chance to see you grow up and mature into the wonderful young man you are today since the very beginning of your Freshmen year. Keep working hard because I know you are going to do great things. Best of luck moving forward and congratulations! - Love your favorite sister, Kacey

Dear Kelly Lambertson, Congratulations, Kelly! You have made us so proud both in your studies and in soccer. We love 💘 you! - Marmy and Papa

Dear Kelly, Congratulations! I am so incredibly proud of you and all the hard work you have put in over the past four years. I know this isn't how you imagined you would end your High School career, but I am happy I was able to spend all this extra time with you at home. I wish you the very best of luck as you begin your new journey at Marist, I know the future is bright for you. I love you so much and I will never stop being proud of you. Congrats Grad! - Love your favorite sister, Kacey

Dear Kelly Lambertson, Good luck at Marist!! - Emma Lambertson

Dear Colin Driscoll, As we have gotten to know you over these past few years, we have watched you grow into a very fine young man. You are caring, funny, hardworking, and a little competitive. Lol! All good qualities for a bright future ahead. Wherever your path leads you, go with confidence. Remember direction is more important than speed. As you know, a last-minute goal will change the entire game. So, do not forget to keep trying because anything is possible. Congratulations on your graduation! - Love, Joan and Bill

Dear Kelly Lambertson, Congratulations Kelly, PopPop and I are so very proud of you. You have many admiring qualities. You’re independent, smart, strong , caring and confident. Your also an amazing athlete and we’ve enjoyed watching your many soccer games. We love you to the moon and back! Best wishes for a great year at Marist! - Grandma and PopPop

Dear Marcelo Colonna, Congratulations! We are all so immensely proud of you and all your dedication and hard work you have put in over the past four years. We know this is not the Graduation anyone had in mind to celebrate this great achievement, but take this opportunity to reflect on all the laughs, memories, and good times you have had throughout High School. We wish you the best of luck at Brookdale and with all of your future endeavors. Stay true to yourself and keep working hard. We love you and we are so proud of you. Congrats Grad! - Love, The Lambertson Family

Dear Jess Gromkoski, You're going to kill Rutgers, so proud of you! - Joe Bettios

Dear Emalie Lasko, Congrats on graduation Emie! Love you so much ❤️- Rachel Dzurina

Dear Mariana Bellone, Congratulations! So proud of you, love you! - Isabella Venegas

Dear Adam Leventhal, Congratulations to you on your wonderful success! Hope to see you soon! - Uncle Michael and Aunt Rebecca Baker

Dear Sarah Phillip, I love you angel! You deserve the world! - Jackk

Dear Mariana Bellone, Even though graduation is going to look different for you, the achievement is still the same. We are very proud of you! - Nana and Poppy

Dear Chris Dietrich, What a guy🥺 - Tommy Zalepka

Dear Yesmina Hammouda, Congrats on graduating and getting through high school so successfully! I can't wait to take on the next 4 years with you at Rutgers :) - Jess Gromkoski

Dear Mariana Bellone, Your the best. Missing be able to share your moment but there will be more - Aunt Mimi

Dear Adam Leventhal, Adam mom and dad are very proud of you!!! Love you!! - Mom and Dad

Dear Mariana Bellone, Congrats Maridog! Your future is bright! Keep working hard!! - Love, Sebi

Dear Joe Bettios, Congrats on graduating, captain. This is just the beginning for you. Good luck for your future at Brookdale - Ryan Segalla

Dear Mariana Bellone, Words cannot express the amount of excitement I have for you! Your senior hard work and resilience has finally paid have off and that will guide you throughout your life. The road to success is rigid and challenging, but keep your head high and always move forward. Congrats Mari, love you and so very proud! - Aliem Shaw

Dear Adam Leventhal, Congratulations Adam! We are so proud of you! We look forward to celebrating together in person soon! - Aunt Patti and Uncle Daryl

Dear Class of 2020- You've been stripped of so many quintessential high school memories and events because of this pandemic, but I have seen you take charge and rise above it and look positively at the future ahead. Your perseverance and tenacity to make the best of a difficult time is what tells me you will make it. So go forth, and follow your passions! Congratulations!- Ms. McDede

Dear Ziare Williams, Congratulations Ziare, I've watched you these 12 years grow into the wonderful young man that you are. I am proud of all of your accomplishments and wish you all the best in your future endeavors. I LOVE YOU and will miss seeing you in the hallways and in your classes. LOVE MOM aka "Ziare's Mom!" Class of 2020 - Latieffa Mackey

A message from Mr. Pickell!

A message from Mr. Carnovsky!

Dear Evans Boateng, We are so proud of you Evans. As you continue on life's journey we know greater awaits you. We love you - Your family

Dear Senior Husky Football Players, Congratulations Huskies! It has been a pleasure working with you while you were on the field and off the field. Your drive and determination during the games has shown me that this next chapter of your life is something that you absolutely can TACKLE!. I am proud of you all and would like to wish you all the BEST OF LUCK in the future. Husky Forever! The Husky Touchdown Club will miss you! - Latieffa Mackey

Dear Dylan Gray, Justin Scott, and Kevin Sparks, From the first day I met you, my heart was filled with so much excitement and love to make your high school experience the best that it ever could be. You all remained focused and worked hard each and every day. As we come to these final days, I am so very happy to say that I am VERY PROUD of the young men you leave Matawan HS as. The presence of your growth lets me know that this next chapter in your life is nothing that you can't handle. Best of Luck and I will Miss You! - Ms. Latieffa

Dear Senior Husky Basketball Players, Congratulations Huskies! You young men have jumped HOOPS through these 12 years and now it is time for you to JUMP into the next chapter of your life. It has been a pleasure watching you on the court but now it is time for you PLAY BALL on the next level. I am proud of you all and would like to wish you all the BEST OF LUCK in the future. Husky Forever! SLAM DUNK to the CLASS of 2020! - Latieffa Mackey

Dear Josh McCord, You made it! Congratulations!! Best of luck next year! I'll miss our hallway chats! - Mrs. Kish

Dear Senior "AASU" Members, I have had a wonderful time being your Advisor of the African American Student Union for the past two years. We have had some good times and laughs during the fundraisers and trips. I will miss seeing you all and working with you. You are all strong and powerful young men and women who are DESTINED to GREATER things. Always remain focused and determined to follow your heart and your dreams! Remember "Black History! A Legacy of STRENGTH a Future of HOPE!" I will miss you all! - Ms. Mackey

Dear Class of 2020, You have all shown that you have the strength within. Nothing can take this special year away from you. You have made tremendous accomplishments throughout your senior year. Congratulations to the class of 2020! As a graduate of MRHS 88', you have shown what it takes to conquer obstacles. "Embrace obstacles to build the resilience required to live a purpose driven life."-Viktor Frankl Great things are bound to happen and YOU will make it happen! Go Huskies!! - Mrs. Dellert

Dear My First Global Humanities Class, Congratulations! Remember to move and shake the world!!! Remember how important your critical thinking skills are essential in EVERY career! I will never forget you and the amazing discussions we had. Your unique personalities helped develop some of the BEST projects I still do with the GH classes. May all your dreams come true!! - Mrs. Moller

To all my seniors, You guys have been extraordinarily wonderful this year and I enjoyed every minute with you in the classroom. I miss you! Your resilience and perseverance will take you far and I wish all of you the best of luck next year and beyond. Congratulations! - Mrs. Rogers

Senior Class of 2020, Congrats to all the Seniors and your educational careers at Matawan High School! You've displayed many accomplishments, hard work, and patience and perseverance through a very unpredictable and challenging time! Best of luck for the next chapters of your lives!! GO HUSKIES! - Mrs. Miles

Dear Segui's 3rd Period English Seniors, While this isn’t exactly the ending we all imagined, you’ve all still done it!!!! I’ll always remember the great conversations we had, the crazy ones and serious ones. As you go on to this next chapter, please know that I’m still here for you to celebrate your successes and support you in your challenges. I wish you the best of luck and remember: who you are is more important than what you know. You’ve got this! - Mrs. Segui

Dear Mariana Bellone, Congratulations Mari!!! I am so proud of you and all your hard work! I love you so much! Can’t wait to see what you accomplish in the future! Once a Husky, Always a Husky!! - Emily

Dear Mariana Bellone, I can’t believe you are graduating high school! I am so unbelievably proud of you and all the hard work you have put in to getting where you are today. I miss you tons and can’t wait until we can be together again to celebrate all your hard work. Love you!! - Amanda

Dear Mari Bellone, Work smarter, not harder. Future is so bright for you Mari baby! - Your brother and sister

Dear Enir Radoncic, Thanks for always being there for me man! - Michael White

Dear Mariana Bellone, Congratulations on your high school graduation!! We are beyond proud of what a beautiful and accomplished young lady you have become. Keep up the good work and we know all your dreams will come true. We LOVE you Mari! - Love Mom, Dad, and Jingles

Dear Mariana Bellone, Congratulations Mari!! So very proud of you!! I will miss seeing your beautiful face every day. May all your dreams come true! Wishing you all the best! - Love, Aunt Nancy

Dear Mari Bellone, We love you and are so proud of you Mari! - Aunt Pam, Uncle Gary, Maggie and Emily

Dear Nick Loconsolo, Congrats on graduating Nick! Great things are on the way in your future! - Ryan Segalla

A message from Mr. Harnett!

A message from Mr. Murphy!

A message from Mrs. Walter!

Class of 2020, Congrats and Best Wishes on your Graduation! You should be very proud of all your hard work and efforts you completed not only within the classrooms of MRHS during your 4 years but all the extended learning you have been doing at home, as well. Always remember the good times, memories and teachers you shared throughout your Husky years! The best is yet to come and YOU have shown how strong you have been! - Mrs. Wishnick

A message from Ms. Whitney!