Shout Outs

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Dear Jenna Long, Good Luck in College. I'll miss dancing with you a ton. All the best! - Giana P

Dear Jenna Long, Can’t wait to see what you accomplish, I love you so much!!💛💙 - Gabby C

Dear Jenna Long, Can't wait to see you do big things!! Love you forever!!! - Ava C

Dear Jenna Long, Congratulations Jenna!! We love you!! - Aunt Pebb & Mia

Dear Jenna Long, Good Luck in College next year! Im going to miss you but I know that you will do great things. Love you!! - Jenna L

Dear Jenna Long, Jenna, thank you for everything you’ve done to help me grow as a person and dancer. I will forever be grateful for how kind you were to me when I first came to Lambarri. I love you so much and good luck in college you’ll be great. - Zoe F

Dear Jenna Long, WE WILL MISS YOU! - The Gang

Dear Jenna Long, Cousins Forever ❤️ - Elani and Bryanna

Dear Jenna Long, Good luck in college!! I love you and best of luck with dance team!! - Abby F

Dear Jenna Long, Congrats Jen!!!! Wishing you the best of luck and dance your a$$ off at the University of Delaware. - Love Aunt Erica and E'Lani

Dear Jenna Long, Congratulation Sunshine! Graduation is a successful ending and an exciting beginning. Your dance career has brought us all so many great memories. Watching you dance was mesmerizing with your awesome charisma. I can honestly say you gave 1000 percent each time and it was exciting and tearful-whether you saw it or not. We are extremely proud of you with all of your accomplishments between dance and being a High Honor Roll student- incredibly you made it all work. There is no limit to your unbelievable courage and determination. Your new chapter is on the horizon that you made happen. Jenna -Always Remember You are braver then you believe Stronger than you seem Smarter than you think and truly LOVED more then you know. Watch out UDEL here she comes!! - XOXOXO Mommy, Daddy, Jordan, & Chase

Dear Jenna Long, I know you have a very bright future ahead of you. I can’t wait to see you accomplish everything you set out to do. I will be rooting for you every step of the way! - Proud Big-Brother Jordan

Dear Jenna Long, Congrats on your graduation Jenna!! Can’t wait to see you dance at U Del! You deserve nothing but the best, we love you!! 💛💙 - Uncle Bryan, Aunt Nancy, Bryanna & Charlie

Dear Jenna Long, Hey that’s my sister!! I LOVE HER SO MUCH! - Chase Long

Dear Jenna Long, I am so proud of the woman you have grown to be and can not wait to see all you become xoxo - Your Favorite Cousin

Dear Jenna Long, Love you queen! Have the best time at udel! I know you will do great things! - Mae

Dear Jenna Long, Jenna Congratulations!! We are so proud of you. Follow your dreams. Reach for the moon. Shine amongst the stars! Love you 💛💙 - Nanny & Pop Pop

Dear Jenna Long, Congratulations! So happy for you and all of your accomplishments. You are beautiful, kind, smart and thoughtful. Wishing you all the best at UDel. Can't wait to see you dance there! Your future is bright for sure and we look forward to sharing more memories with you in your next chapter. - Lots of Love - Joanna, Steven & Abby

Dear Gavin Klamm, Congratulations today and best wishes for all your tomorrows. I’m sure this graduation will be only the first of many proud, successful moments for you. You are the sweetest young man! We hope college is as magical for you as our vacation. You deserve to see your dreams come true… - The Long Family

Dear Gavin Klamm, Congratulations Buddy! See you soon to play fortnite. Have fun at college. - Chase Long

Dear Gavin Klamm, We can't believe this day has come. Seems like yesterday our Baby Boy came into our lives. We are so full of pride thinking of all you've accomplished and how much you have grown. Can't wait to see what the future holds. Enjoy your time at UDel, study hard and always remember that we love you more than words can express. We are proud of you - Always!! - Momma, Daddy & Abby xoxo

Dear Gavin Klamm, We can't believe you are graduating!! Seems like yesterday we were all riding the bus and going out on Halloween. We are so incredibly proud of you! You have worked so hard with everything you do. We can't wait to see how your next chapter goes. Always remember to do your best and NEVER give up. We love you loads and are will always be proud of you. Go get em at U DEL!!! Remember cousins are friends FOREVER!!! - Love always, Aunt Lorraine, Uncle Kerry, Kyra, Kyle, and Corey!!!

Dear Melissa Ruggerio, I can’t believe this time has come!!! There aren’t enough words to explain how proud I am of you!! You’re a wonderful student as well as a young adult!! I am so excited to see what the future holds for you!, continue to reach for the stars!!! I love you with all of my heart and soul!!! ❤️❤️❤️ - Mom

Dear Melissa Ruggerio, Congratulations to the best sister a brother can ask for!! Good luck in the future! I love you! - Anthony

Dear Zoe Tilis, With loving thoughts of you on your graduation. You will now step onto a new stage and we know your performance will get standing ovations. So proud to be your grandparents. - Grandma and Grandpa

Dear Zoe Tilis, Zoe, since the day you were born, we've watched in amazement as you've grown into the person you've become today. Your hard work and dedication paid off and you will now be attending the college of your dreams. This is not the senior year we hoped you would have. A tough year in many ways, however, it does not change how proud of you we are. You are talented, hard working, and most importantly, a thoughtful and kind person. We can't wait to see what this next chapter of your life brings. - Love you so much, Mom and Dad

Dear Zoe Tilis, Congratulations on graduating Zoe! I'm so proud of everything you have done. I'm so thankful to have such an amazing sister to look up to! You have taught me so much and helped me become the person I am today. You inspire me daily, and always make me laugh! I hope you have so much fun in college! I know you'll do great! I love you! - Vivienne

Dear Zoe Tilis, Congratulations Zoe!! We know you will continue to shine at the University of Tampa! Best of Luck! - The Loniewski's

Dear Zoe Tilis, Seeing all the hard work you've put into the last four years to get to this point makes me super proud to be your brother. You're gonna knock it out of the park at UT!- Jack

Dear Zoe Tilis, I am so proud of the person you have grown to be - smart, talented & beautiful inside and out!!! Tampa is so lucky to have you!!! Love you! - Sophie

Dear Zoe Tilis, Congratulations Zoe! Graduating high school in this fashion is a bummer, but it will be a memory to look back in time. I’m so excited to see the amazing things you’ll accomplish in Tampa. You rock 🤘 -HAGS - Drew J

Dear Emma Garofalo, Congrats on graduating Em!! Thanks for being there for me all these years. Do big things at URI!! xoxo - Gabi Medel

Dear Garrett, We are so proud of you! Can't wait to see what your future holds! - Love Mom & Dad

Dear Cassie and Evelyn, Thank you for being great leaders and friends these past few years. We are all going to miss you so much! We know you you will both do amazing things in college. Good luck running at American University, Cassie! And good luck studying neuroscience at Villanova, Evelyn! - Love, The XC Team❤️

Dear Tommy Arendt, It's been amazing watching you grow over these past four years. We are so very proud of you! It sure didn't end the way you or your classmates expected, but I know you will all go on to do amazing things. Wishing you love and happiness always. Behind you, all your memories. Before you, all your dreams. Around you, all who love you. Within you, all you need! - Love, Mom, Dad & Evan

Dear Kaitlyn Knauer, We are so proud of you and everything that you have accomplished in your time at Matawan Regional. You are such an amazing and beautiful young woman, inside and out. Please always remember to believe in yourself and know that you can achieve anything that you put your mind to. We are so excited to see what the future holds for you, we know that you will do so many good things and that you will be an amazing teacher. Always know that we are here supporting you every step of the way. We are so excited to watch you play softball the next 4 years at Centenary University! Enjoy the next chapter of your life. We love you more than the stars in the sky. - Mom, Bob, and Robert

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Dear Dylan Livich, congratulations! i’m so proud of you for making it so far and i don’t know what i would be doing if we didn’t have our group, we never fail to think of something completely spontaneous and fun, thanks for being one of my friends for life and i know you’re going to have the brightest future.❤️ - Barisha Ali

Dear Mari Bellone, Congratulations on graduation, Mari! You made it!! - Megan Sutherland

Dear Abbey Collins, I love you Abbey congratulations on 12 years of work. Thanks for being my best friend since freshman year and growing with me as a person. We went from awkward freshman who didn’t know anything about life to adults who picked up so much knowledge along the way. i know you can do anything you want in life so go get it, you’re going to do great things🥳💗 - Barisha Ali

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Dear Dymond Bennet, Dymond you’ve been my closest friend for as long as i can remember. You’re so funny and you can always make me laugh, no matter how hard life gets just know you always have me and i’ll be there for you till the end, Congrats dy❤️❤️ - Barisha Ali

Dear Charlotte Brady, Special SHOUT OUT to Miss Charlotte! Congratulations on your graduation 🎓.Best wishes for your next adventure. - Mia Underwood

A message from Ms. Walling

Dear Class of 2020! Congratulations! It seems like yesterday that you had your Freshman Orientation. Time sure has flown by. As you start the next chapter in your life, remember to stay true to yourself and continue to ask questions. You are incredible and you will be missed. Go Huskies! - Mrs. Goldberg

Dear Class of 2020, I love seeing all of your smiling faces, and I hold cherished memories of many of you as third and fifth graders in my class. Wishing you all the very best that life has to offer. Best of luck in all of your future endeavours. Keep reaching for the stars, and always keep smiling. :) xoxo - Mrs. Kyvelos

Dear Elijah McKenzie, Elijah, I wish I could see you walk across the stage. I know you are not my little boy anymore. I know we haven't seen each other for a long time, but I still see that sweet little boy of mine in you. I don't want to let that part of you go, but I know I must. You are a young man that studied hard, maintained good grades, and work on his craft of basketball. That hard work paid off and you are moving on to the next chapter in life. It will be a different world out there now; however, I know you will make it just fine. I'm proud of you and there aren't enough words to express how proud I am. I LOVE YOU from the bottom of my heart, always have and always will! Happy Graduation Elijah "Mooka" - Your Dad

Dear Elijah McKenzie, Congratulations E!!!!! You are a bright and talented young man with endless possibilities ahead of you. You deserve all the goodness life has to give, enjoy your next steps to greatness!! - Mandy, Brad & Callie

Dear Elijah McKenzie, Congratulations to our nephew, Elijah McKenzie! We are so proud of the young man you have become. We wish you the very best in life! You deserve to see your dreams come true! Love you always! - Phillip and Julie Hyman

Dear My Baby Boy, I am so proud of you Mark and the man you have grown into. You make me so very proud all the time !! Congratulations on your Graduation!!! I will be cheering you on from the sidelines of life for the rest of my life. ❤️ - Love Mom

Dear Sarah Phillip, Congratulations babygirl 🎉 Go for your dreams! I love you very much ❤️ - Mom

Dear Elijah Mason, I am so proud of you. For working hard, staying grounded, and having FUN along the way. You’re going to do amazing things in this lifetime. And I’m honored to get to watch that. - Aunt Mel

Dear Zoe Tilis, Congratulations!!!! We know this is not the way you envisioned your senior year to end... let’s just say that it’s extra special and one for the history books!! The specialness of this conclusion reminds us of you! Zoe you are so special I’m so many ways! You’ve got a heart of gold, you’re kind, sweet, giving, caring, modest, smart, gorgeous, hard working, talented- the list goes on and on! We are so proud of you and know that you are going to continue your greatness at U of Tampa! Learn a lot, have fun, and go get em!! - Lots of love, Aunt Alissa & Uncle Glenn

Dear Olivia Mathias, I love you will all my heart and know you will do great things in the future. I'm gonna miss you girly!!!! <3- Latiesha Small

Dear Priscilla Incle, Sending a Big shoutout to our Priscilla. We are extremely proud and happy for you as you finish your Senior year of high school. Definitely not how we expected for you to be celebrated but non- the less Super proud of the young lady you have grown into. Continue being you and stay on the path you’ve set out for yourself and You Will Reach All Your Goals!!! We will always be your biggest fan!! Big Hug and Kiss with all our Love.❤️ CLASS OF 2020!!!!! - Dad, Mom, Dave and Danny

Dear Kaitlyn Knauer, We are so proud of you and all of your accomplishments at Matawan Regional HS. We have enjoyed watching you grow into a beautiful, talented young woman. Your next four years will be exciting and open up a whole new world. We wish you the best that life has to offer and may happiness always find your doorstep. We love you so much! - Grandma and Grandpa

Dear Jaidyn Brigandi, Congratulations with love on your high school graduation. I am so proud of the amazing person you are becoming. Best of luck on your next adventure at Temple. - Love Nonni

Dear Jaidyn Brigandi, Im sooo proud of you!!! If you ever need anything in college just know that I am a phone call away even if im out in TX!! - Big Sis Lex <3

Dear Jaidyn Brigandi, Congratulations on your graduation!! We are so proud of you! Over the last 18 years, we have watched you grow into a beautiful, talented, sassy, intelligent young lady and we can't wait to see what your future holds. Keep shining bright! We are always here for you, with lots of love and support! - Nico and Carolyn Simeonidis

Dear Jaidyn Brigandi, I am so proud of you and all that you have accomplished. Congratulations on your high school graduation! You deserve great success in life and as you begin that next chapter at Temple University (Go Owls!) i know you are going to do amazing things. The sky is the limit for you, just follow your heart and mind. You have become such an intelligent, beautiful, and determined young woman. Be confident, be strong, and be the BEST! I am always here for you and love you very much! - Love, Dad

Dear Jaidyn Brigandi, Congratulations Jaidyn! Good luck at Temple, we are so happy for you! - Aunt Fran and Uncle Steve, Grace and George

Dear Jaidyn Brigandi, Congrats on your graduation and on Temple. We love you so much. - Love Aunt Gina, Daniel, Evan, Alexa ❤️🎉

Dear Jaidyn Brigandi, I can't believe it has been 18 years. I can't believe you are going to be walking out that door in August and starting a brand new life and I can't believe at the end of every day you won't be walking through my front door to come sit on the couch and tell me all about the little things that happened that day. I am so thankful for the last 18 years. You have added SO much love, smiles, laughter and happiness to my life. May this coming year at Temple bring you so much joy and a million more memories. May you find your true self, may you love who you become, and may you stay safe throughout your journey. Always remember - there is NOTHING you can't achieve if you put your mind to it and want it badly enough. YOU create your story, and I just know you are going to create the most BEAUTIFUL one. Spread your wings and fly baby girl. I love you more - forever and always and then some! -Mom

Dear Julianna Long, I am soooo proud of you & everything you accomplished during your 4 years of high school! I can’t wait to see how bright you make your future! I love you so much! Keep chasing your dreams & teaching all of your goals! I will always be one of your biggest fans! - Brianna Burlew

Dear Julianna Long, Juli you’re a beautiful person inside and out, we wish you all that life has to offer. Never stop reaching for the stars. We love you. - Uncle Darrin and Aunt Nancy

Dear Julianna Long, Congratulations Julianna ! So happy to share in the excitement of your graduation day , and so very proud of you too ! ❤️ - We love you! Uncle Jimmy, Aunt Denise, and Family! Grandma Black too!

Dear Cole Burlew, Congratulations Cole ! So happy to share in the excitement of your graduation day , and so very proud of you , too ! ❤️ - We love you! Uncle Jimmy, Aunt Denise, and Family! Grandma Black too!

Dear Latiesha Small, You're going to kill next year, and you'll fly through college like it's nothing. Don't stress too much, I know you'll do great! - Olivia Mathias

Dear Cole Burlew, We are sooo proud of you! Continue to light up every room you walk in! Your sense of humor will come in handy! We love you! - Brianna & Dylan