
Adding cooks to the kitchen!

The Bible has a lot to say about food, so it seems that learning to live with Jesus and becoming more like Him, has to involve food.

Ps 107:9; Matt 4:4, 6:25; John 6:35; 1 Cor. 10:31; Rev 3:20 (and more)

Let's learn together about: how to be safe, how to cook and bake, and some tips and tricks. Let's learn how to have (safe) fun in the kitchen and use those gifts to be a blessing to others.

Current Lesson

"Read Across America Day" is around the corner, so lets make some Green Eggs and Ham!

*Please make sure that you have reviewed the safety section before enjoying these lessons.

Recipes & Videos

Recipes and Videos: The "fun stuff"

Safety & Skills

Safety and Skills: Let's be safe!

Community Connections

Looking forward to seeing all the adventures in the kitchen!

Elementary Connections through SeeSaw. Please use the QR Code to get connected to our community page.

Or, feel free to email me:

Middle School (and 4/5th if you are able) feel free to add your stories to the Schoology Course page.