3/4Cedar Learning Update

Central idea: Literature can drive our appreciation of culture.

To finish our unit of learning this term we have read and completed our own traditional African Fable. We have created a multi skilled piece of artwork based around the Maasai tribe. To complete this we used a wash effect with water colours and tribes men with pastels. We have then rounded of our learning of different cultures around the world by completing a poem, each verse in the poem represented a different culture that we have learnt about through this unit of inquiry.

In maths we have continued our work with multiplication and division. The year 3's have been focusing on 3, 4 and 8. The year 4's have been focusing on 6, 7 and 9.

It has been a brilliant term, heavily focusing on geography, of exploring the world through map work and cultural research. We have done first hand orienting work and cooking as well as a range of artwork and written work.