Mothers' Day Special: Celebrating Grateful Moms Everywhere

Manovikas School for Inclusion held a lively and colorful celebration in honor of Mother's Day, uniting all the mothers within their community. The event was a fun-filled day that brought immense joy to all the attendees through various engaging activities. From interactive games like "Bujho To Jaane" and "Look and Find," to creative challenges such as "Ghar Banao" “Flip the bottle” and "Chain Banao," the festivities were carefully planned to ensure everyone had an enjoyable time. The focus was on encouraging participation, fostering inclusivity, and creating unforgettable memories for every mother present.

The atmosphere exuded a vibrant energy, buzzing with the joyous sounds of laughter as mothers eagerly participated in every game, creating treasured moments. What made this event stand out was its unique concept - every mother was declared a winner, emphasizing the value of participation and ensuring that everyone felt recognized and appreciated.

The feedback from the mothers was overwhelmingly positive, with many expressing their gratitude for the careful planning and inclusive approach of the event which made each one feel special. Comments were filled with praise for the happiness and sense of togetherness that the celebration fostered. A mother shared her thoughts saying, "The games were so enjoyable, and I loved how everyone was a winner. It truly made the day extraordinary." Another added, "I had an amazing time at the event. I felt valued and connected with other mothers."

In summary, the Mother's Day festivities at Manovikas School for Inclusion were an undeniable triumph. It left all the mothers feeling elated and cherished, strengthening bonds within the school community and leaving a lasting positive impression on all who attended.

Celebrating Our Success: Result Declaration & Celebration Vlog

Exciting news! The 2024 results for Open Basic Education (OBE) have just been released, and we are overjoyed to announce that all of our students have successfully passed. This remarkable feat has brought immense joy and satisfaction to our entire school community.

Our students are filled with elation, basking in the satisfaction of their hard work and dedication paying off. Their accomplishments serve as a testament to their resilience and strong commitment to their education. Equally thrilled are the parents who share in their children's achievements, feeling proud of their unwavering efforts and continuous support.

Our teachers, whose guidance and encouragement have paved the way for the students' success, are beaming with pride and joy. Their passion for teaching has played an integral part in helping each student reach this significant milestone. It takes a collective effort from students, parents, and teachers to achieve such a remarkable victory, making our school stand tall with pride.

Each child is brimming with happiness as they realize that their hard work has paid off and they have reached this important academic milestone. The atmosphere throughout the school is one of accomplishment and pride as we celebrate this tremendous achievement together.

Heartfelt congratulations go out to all our amazing students! This success is a proud moment for our school, and we eagerly await many more accomplishments in times to come. Well done to everyone involved!

Please click the link below and check the results.

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