Year 10

Welcome to P.S.H.E.  at Manningtree High School

Throughout year 10, you will meet a range of staff and visitors who will deliver you a full and varied P.S.H.E. programme.  

Your School Team

Ms A Morgan - P.S.H.E. and Focus Day Coordinator

TBC - Assistant Headteacher responsible for P.S.H.E

Mr F Rowe  - CEIAG Coordinator

Mr M Blair - Peer Mentor Lead

Mrs J Hemingway - Youth Health Champion Lead

Ms S Neville - Young Carers Support Worker

Mr M Blair  - Head of Year 10

Pastoral Support Year 10

Other teams linked:  Tutors, Learning Support and Pastoral Team  

If you have any questions regarding P.S.H.E. in the school, please either speak to your tutor or email:

Careers Coordinator: