Personal, Social, Health, Economic Education
P.S.H.E. (Personal, Social, Health Education) is an interactive and dynamic part of life at Manningtree High School. Delivered regularly across the school during registration, it is often the starting point for the engaging activities that provide a wider learning experience on Focus Days. Through a diversity of activities including: group discussions; practical workshops, independent research; specially selected guest facilitators; quizzes; and much more, students are encouraged to explore how they can use their emerging knowledge and understanding to develop the relevant skills to be successful in their own lives as well as contributing to the wider community.
P.S.H.E. (Personal, Social, Health Education) is an interactive and dynamic part of life at Manningtree High School. Delivered regularly across the school during registration, it is often the starting point for the engaging activities that provide a wider learning experience on Focus Days. Through a diversity of activities including: group discussions; practical workshops, independent research; specially selected guest facilitators; quizzes; and much more, students are encouraged to explore how they can use their emerging knowledge and understanding to develop the relevant skills to be successful in their own lives as well as contributing to the wider community.
Your School Team
Your School Team
Ms Allison Morgan - P.S.H.E. Coordinator
Mr E Bradbury - Focus Day Coordinator
Mr A Murphy - P.S.H.E. Lead - Deputy Headteacher responsible for P.S.H.E.
Mr F Rowe - CEIAG Coordinator
Mr M Blair- Prefect Team Lead
Ms S Neville - Young Carers Support Worker
Mr J Smalley - PiXL Edge Award Leader
Heads of Year
Mr M Betts- Year 7 including primary school transition
Mr M Blair- Year 11
Mr E Walker- Year 10
Mrs R Howlett- Year 9
Mr A Kelcher - Year 8
Other teams linked: Tutors, Learning Support and Pastoral Team
If you have any questions regarding P.S.H.E. in the school, please either speak to your tutor or email the P.S.H.E. Coordinator:
Careers Coordinator: