Athletics training

High Jump Activity:

Groups of Three – taking turns to practice the ‘scissor jump’

Begin with static jump andprogress to walk or run into a scissor jump.

Progressions – jumping over...

1) Witches hat

2) Bench/low hurdles

3) Skipping rope

4) Bar/Broom

Discus Activity:

Focus on ‘throwing’ with a focus on the SLING technique.

In small groups of four;


- Grip

- Angle of release

- Loading of legs

- Coordination of timing


1) Frisbees

2) Quoits

3) Rubber Discus

Shot Put Activity:

Focus on ‘throwing’ with a focus on the SHOT technique.

In small groups of four;


- Placement of shot

- Angle of release

- Loading of legs

- Coordination of timing


1) Bean Bags

2) Tennis Balls

3) Rubber Shot

Relay Activity: 

In small groups of four;


- Transitions

- Timing

- Team Work and communication

Reinforce good running


Learn how to run properly

Speed training: Drills and skills

Cross country training:

The Peria course is approximately 2.4kms in length. Most mornings weather permitting, we will train using the track in front of our class room and the scooter track. This done twice is approximately 2.4kms and has slight inclines. This will be hard for some at first but in time the fitness will come and so will the stamina.

Shoes are best for training as there are rocks on the track. If weather doesn't permit for us to train, we will do some skills and drills to help us with our form and technique of running.

Learning focuses for improvement

Develop physical fitness: Kotuku will improve their cardiovascular endurance, muscular strength, and overall physical fitness through regular cross country training and participation.

Apply strategies for pacing and endurance: Kotuku will develop strategies for pacing themselves during cross country races, learning to conserve energy and maintain a steady speed throughout the course.

Enhance mental resilience: Kotuku will develop mental resilience by overcoming physical discomfort, pushing through fatigue, and maintaining focus and determination during cross country races.

Develop goal-setting and self-reflection skills: Kotuku will set personal goals for their cross country performance and engage in self-reflection to evaluate their progress, identify areas for improvement, and celebrate their achievements.

Rippa rugby training

Basic rules

Rippa championship game

Learning focuses for improvement

Develop basic rugby skills such as passing, catching, kicking, and running with the ball.

Comprehend the principles of attack and defence in Rippa Rugby.

Make effective decisions regarding passing, supporting teammates, and creating space on the field.

Collaborate with teammates to coordinate strategies, distribute responsibilities, and support each other on the field.

Understand the value of teamwork and cooperation in achieving shared goals.

gaelic football: Striking with feet

Gaelic football

Basic Gaelic Football skills we are focusing on over the next few weeks.