
Click on the picture of the book to catch up on any chapters you may have missed

Shared Reading/ Class Novel

Uglies is about a world where everyone normal is ugly. In order to turn pretty you have to turn sixteen years old.Tally Youngblood wants to have the surgery that will make her pretty; but then she gets caught up in a rebellion against society and comes to appreciate a world where not everyone is pretty.

Term 4 Week 3: group 1 & 2 Instructional reading

Sea Science

Term 4 Week 3: Group 3 & 4 instructional reading

Term 4 Literature Circles: Novel studies

Using your individual novel you have chosen from the library, read 3 chapters each Monday. On Tuesdays, you must pick one of the following jobs to complete about your novel.

Once each group member has completed their job use the discussion template to go through and discuss your novels to the group.

Term 3: Inquiry reading WEEKS 5-9

LO: Locating and summarising ideas (e.g., by skimming or scanning, by identifying key words, topic sentences, and key questions, or by using subheadings).

LO: Evaluating and integrating ideas and information across a small range of texts.

Using the below resources, the non-fixtion texts in class and internet research, in your inquiry groups, read and summarise the main ideas thinking about the following questions:




Keep your cat inside

Click on the picture to read the article 

Kaitiaki of the stream

Click on the picture to listen

Giving the ocean a voice

Click on the link to read the article


Taiko/ Black Petrels

Fur Seal


MokoMoko/ Skinks

Black Petrel

Pekapeka/ Bats


Whio/ Blue Duck


Ancient Forrests

Pungawerewere/ Spiders

Goat Island Marine Life

Mahoenui/ Giant Weta

Hectors Dolphin

Long fined Eel

Maui Dolphin


Sea Lions


Kauri Trees

Literacy Group Rotations 

Each group will complete a different literacy rotation each day. During this time there will be 20mins allocated for 2 groups for a guided reading session with Miss Wood

Term 3 Instructional reading

RTR-New Zealand Birds-Online.pdf

Group 1 & 2: Week 1

LO: Make connections to prior knowledge.

Read the title.What bird is this? Can you identify some of the birds in the smaller photos? What other New Zealand birds do you know?

 “Endemic” birds are different from birds that are also found in other countries. Can you name any birds from different countries?

LO: Summarise the main ideas

Create a summary chart to summarise 3 birds

Group 1 & 2: Week 2

LO: Make connections to prior knowledge.

What are your experiences with wasps? Read the title, do you think wasps are pests? Are there many wasps in Northland?

LO: Summarise the main ideas

Create a summary chart to summarise what you have learnt about the wasp

Group 3 & 4: Week 1 & 2

LO: Finding the main ideas

Read the title of the book " taking action". What do you think this means?

What does “bringing back” mean? The title talks about

“bringing back the birdsong”. What do you think might have happened to the birdsong? 

What do you think this article might be about? 

What strategy did you use to make these guesses? 

Yes, you used inference. What prior knowledge did you use to make these inferences? 

What clues could you see in the imagery? 

Scientists also make inferences as they interpret their observations. Like readers, they need to look for information and clues to justify their inferences.

LO: Making connections ( to statistics in maths)

How might the students in the article interpret the data recorded in their notebooks? (page 20)

What do the two colours in the graph show? (page 22) 

What does the graph tell us about the pests in the area? How sure would you be of the results?

How do the students use the data to come up with the next steps? 

Activity 1 – Predator Free 2050: Can we do it?

The impact of pests on our native flora and fauna is a hot topic in New Zealand (see Resource links on page 7). Wherever you are, there are likely to be problems with pests and people working to address them. 

Do some research about Predator Free 2050. What is this and what does it look like? Have you heard this mentioned in the media? Or at home? Try finding the Department of Conservation’s Predator Free 2050 brochure. 

Follow this link to start off your research

Try to answer the following questions when you do your research:

Shared reading text: The boy who harnessed the wind By william kamkwamba

comprehension questions to think about whilst listening to the text

Chapter 2: A Radio in My Ear

What did the main character's father give him that changed his life?

What did the main character learn from the radio?

Why did the main character's family have to sell their food?

Chapter 3: Home-Made Dynamo

What did the main character want to do with the electricity he generated?

What did the main character use to build his windmill?

How did the main character test his windmill?

Achievement Objectives:

Students will develop their reading comprehension skills by analysing characters, setting, plot, and themes.

Students will develop their research and writing skills by conducting research on climate change and writing a persuasive speech inspired by Greta Thumberg.

Students will develop their scientific knowledge and understanding of renewable energy sources.


Understand the concepts of renewable energy and its importance in addressing climate change.

Analyse and evaluate the main characters and plot in the novel.

Research and write a persuasive speech on the topic of climate change.

Success Criteria:

I can identify and explain the different types of renewable energy sources and their importance.

I can analyse and evaluate the main characters, plot, and themes in the novel.

I can conduct research on climate change and write a persuasive speech using relevant evidence and arguments.


Group 1: Week 8 & 9

Main text

Login to your epic account to find this title that i have assigned for you.

WALT: I can identify and summarise the main ideas.

Success Criteria: When the main point of the text can be summarised and discussed as a group.

Group 2: Week 8 & 9

Main text

Login to your epic account to find this title that i have assigned for you.

WALT: I can identify and summarise the main ideas.

Success Criteria: When the main point of the text can be summarised and discussed as a group.

Group 3 & 4: Week 8 & 9

Main Text

Login to your epic account to find this title that i have assigned for you.

WALT: Evaluate and integrate ideas and information across a few texts.

Success Criteria: Can speak about a topic using information from multiple texts

Additional Complimentary Texts to read 

Additional scaffolding texts to read along with

We are water protectors by Carole Lindstrom

The Lorax

By Dr Seuss

Thank you Earth

By April Pulley Sayer

A Planet Like Ours by Frank Murphy and Charnaie Gordon

Challenging text to get you thinking from different points of view


Look at the 'Big Questions' on the climate change nassa website. What are some big questions you might have?

Group 1: Week 2 & 3

WALT: Work out the meanings of new words, using strategies such as using reference sources (e.g.,online/ dictionaries and thesauruses, google ‘define’ ) to find the meanings of new words

Success Criteria: When a difficult word is written in your vocabulary sheet and the meaning is found and put in the table.

Group 2: Week 2 & 3

WALT: Work out the meanings of new words, using strategies such as using reference sources (e.g.,online/ dictionaries and thesauruses, google ‘define’ ) to find the meanings of new words

Success Criteria: When a difficult word is written in your vocabulary sheet and the meaning is found and put in the table.

War Memorials

What do you know about them?

Do you know where one is?

Timeline of the first world war

Link this reading with your inquiry work about timelines

Aditional texts to read along with

My Grandad Marches on ANZAC Day

by Catriona Hoy

Meet the ANZACS

by Claire Saxby

Lest We Forget

by Kerry Brown

Anzac Biscuits 

by Phil Cummings

Groups 3 & 4: Week 2 & 3

WALT: Evaluate and integrate ideas and information across a few texts.

Success Criteria: Can speak about a topic using information from multiple texts

Copy of Reading - ANZAC Poetry Odes

Read through the Multi-modal readings:

Main Text - In Flanders Field (1 verse)

Complementary Text - In Flanders Field (3 Verses)

Video with text & Audio

Scaffolding Text - ANZAC Ted

  The ANZAC Puppy

Challenging Text - Chunuk Bair


                                     Finding George

Additional Texts (Complementary) - Mascots Journal Poem, Examples of Odes in Poetry.

Additional Texts (Scaffolding) - The Story of ANZAC animation.

What can you tell me about an Ode? What does the ode of rememberance tell us about? What does an Ode tell people about? What is a mascot and how were they used during the war? 

Copy of Reading - ANZAC Poetry Quatrain

Read through the multimodal readings:

Main Text - The Inquisitive Mind of a Child (First 2 verses)

Complementary Text - The Inquisitive Mind of a Child (Full version)

Scaffolding Text - Why are poppies worn on Remembrance Day

Challenging Text - ‘Why’s Grandpa Grumpy All The Time?’ Link to otherANZAC Quatrains.

Additional Texts (Complementary) - Dawn Parade Journal

Additional Texts (Scaffolding) - ANZAC Ted, Hold Fast to Dreams.

Have you written your own quatrain poem? What stanza have you written in ABAB, AABB , ABCB? Can you identify which stanzas are used within the poems in the multi-modal reading sites?

Copy of Reading - ANZAC Poetry Acrostic

Read through the Multi-modal readings:

Main Text - ANZAC Acrostic Poem

Complementary Text - ACROSTIC POEM

Scaffolding Text - Recognise….Acrostic Poems

  Challenging Text - 

Additional Texts (Complementary) - 

Additional Texts (Scaffolding) - 

What is an acrostic poem? Make a brainstorm of topics that you could write your own acrostic poem about? What type of acrostic poem are your favourites?