
Mangroves Scavenger Hunt

Try to find as many of the items down at the Mangonui Mangroves. 

List of Tasks to complete at low tide Mangrove Walk:

Spend 30mins sketching everything that you can see 

Clean up the Mangroves by picking up rubbish on the walk down

Complete the treasure hunt

Collect non-living items that interest you to reaearch back at school

Remember to both sketch and write what each of your items are.

Can you find these items at Maori Point?

What are Mangroves?

Before you watch the videos:

1. Discuss the meaning of Herbivore – carnivore –scavenger – omnivore.

2. Discuss what the mangrove tree can do that no other New Zealand tree is able to do and the possible reasons


When you watch the video look for answers to the following questions:

1. Name two ways that the tide helps animals like oysters and barnacles that can’t move around.

2. Name two ways that crabs settle a dispute.

3. Name two birds that benefit from the mangrove environment and why.

4. Name two reasons why mangroves are disappearing from our coastline.

5. Name two uses for the pneumatophore root breathing snorkels.

Financial Literacy & Market day

As the summative project for our inquiry unit, you will be opening and running your own business. 

During this project you will manage a budget, make decisions, create and mass produce products, utilise marketing strategies, advertise, and sell your products to the community, Mangonui school students and parents at a year 5/6 Market!

Inquiry: Market day and beyond

Lesson 1: What is Market Day?

Lesson 2: What are your product ideas?

Lesson 3: Designing your product.

Lesson 4: Budgeting.

Lesson 5: What is fair pricing?

Lesson 6: Your brand.

Lesson 7: Advertising.

Lesson 8: Organising your timeline for success.

Market Day Project 2023

Each group will need to complete their buisness plan. 

Both your home made product and your food product will need it's own buisness plan.

Learning outcomes Week 1:

Students will brainstorm and generate ideas for homemade products that are unique, appealing, and marketable.

Students will create a detailed plan for their market day, including product selection, pricing, marketing strategies, and stall setup.

Students will develop an understanding of basic financial concepts, such as budgeting, pricing, and profit.

Students will apply numeracy skills to calculate costs, profits, and make informed financial decisions during the market day.

Success Criteria:

Develop a budget for the market day, including estimated costs, pricing strategies, and profit targets.

Learning outcomes week 2 & 3:

Students will work collaboratively in groups to plan, organise, and run a market day event.

Students will use creative thinking skills to design and produce their homemade products.

Students will identify potential challenges and problems that may arise during the market day and develop strategies to address them.

Success Criteria:

Create high-quality homemade products that are visually appealing, well-crafted, and meet customer expectations.

Demonstrate innovation and creativity in the design and production of the products.

Learning outcomes week 4:

Students will manage their time effectively, set deadlines, and follow their plan to ensure a successful event.

Success Criteria:

Successfully organise and run a market day event with clear roles and responsibilities assigned to each team member.

Engage and interact with customers and visitors in a polite, confident, and friendly manner.

Calculate and record the actual costs, revenue, and profit from the market day, showing an understanding of basic financial concepts.

Native New Zealand animals, insects, plants & pest control

Week 1: Introduction to Pest Control in New Zealand

Learning Outcomes:

Success Criteria:

Use the resources and the videos below to produce your own information report to speak about the following learning outcomes:

Bringing Back the Birdsong

Watch the following videos to help with your inquiry

Copy of TheTraps.mp4

Why NZ needs predator control

Possums, rats & stoats

predator free 2050

What is climate change?

In small groups, make a presentation to show what you have learnt about climate change. 

Use the NASA for kids website to navigate through information. Remember to write your information in your own words because your group will present your findings to the class.

You can use a powerpoint, prezzi presentaion, poster, it's up to you!

Climate Change provocation

What motivated Greta Thunberg to start striking for climate change?

What were some of the challenges she faced, and how did she overcome them?

What impact has she had on the environmental movement?

Work in small groups to create a summary of Greta Thunberg’s life and activism. Each group will present your summary to the class. Thinkabout the questions above and discuss these with your group.

Read and or listen to the information provided in the kid's Britannica link below. I have provided further video's for you to gather your information.

Youth Climate Change Summit

Greta's Climate Change Speech

Who is Greta?

A year to save the world episode 1

What has Greta done to try to make the world recognise climate change?

Come up with at least 10 questions that you have about climate change and being an activist.

A year to save the world episode 2

What is the World Economic Forum?Why is Greta there?

Come up with at least 10 questions that you have about climate change and being an activist.

A year to save the world episode 3

What are the economic leaders saying about Greta?What do you now know about climate change?

What is something you would do if you were an activist?

Have you answered any of your previous questions by watching all of the episodes?

Students will gain knowledge, skills and experience to understand about the nature of science:

Appreciate that science is a way of explaining the world & that science knowledge changes over time.

Identify ways in which scientists work together and provide evidence to support their ideas.

Use their growing science knowledge when considering issues of concern to them.

Explore various aspects of an issue and make decisions about possible actions.

Students will gain knowledge, skills and experience to:

Understand how exploration and innovation create opportunities and challenges for people, places and environments.

Understand events have causes and effects.

Understand how formal and informal groups make decisions that impact on their communities.

Understand how people participate individually and collectively in response to community challenges.