CNC with Wood

An Introduction to Computer Numerical Control -CNC

Key Points

Please follow this link to learn more! Wikipedia Intro on Numerical Control taken on 7/24/2020

MakeHaven Badges for the unit:  

For the course, we recommend that you get as many of the badges above as is practical. Also, it is really helpful if you have earned them before the needed unit, so their acquisition does not eat in to your time to finish assignments. Coordinate with facilitators to complete badges.


The first steps into CNC cutting should be done in wood: with a small effort, and only moderate tech skills, beautiful products can be made fairly quickly.

Easel is the design software that is used with the Shapeoko at MakeHaven. This software is web-based and available here. All of your design work can be done remotely, and then the control of the machine will happen in MakeHaven.

The Shapeoko provides a good foundation for exploring larger CNC machines, how to hold down work pieces, selecting the right tools, feeds and speeds, and imagining toolpaths to go along with designs. Since most beginners work entirely within Easel, many of the complexities of these processes are abstracted away (which is good for beginners).

There is a lot of design capability on the Shapeoko and, at MakeHaven, it is a prerequisite badge for the larger, more complex CNC machines available.