Time & Schedule

Time Commitment

Your time as a student is important, and a central part of our goal with this course. Being fabbers & makers ourselves, we understand the independent spirit that may encourage you to 'figure it out on my own.'  But this important independent spirit can often come at a cost of time. 

We want to help you level up your skill with an optimized time commitment, so you can learn many new skills over a few months, rather than years. The support of this class structure is put in place so you have the support needed to learn new skills and still have the time needed to take care of your work and family roles. 

Our goal is that between lessons, assignments and documentation, the course should take about 10 hours a week. This will obviously vary student-to-student and week-to-week, but this is the major advantage of having a local instructor who is there to support you: we can make adaptations in the moment to support students. 

The next course will run from January 2024 to June 2024

For our third year, we have reimagined the course to focus on the material that is most acessible and achievable as well as broken the units into blocks that we feel make a smoother experience. The course runs through a 6 month block. 

Weekly Cycle

Meeting Times

Classes will happen Thursday evenings at 7pm - 7:30pm in the upstairs multipurpose room. Then from 7:30pm - 9pm the cohort will work together on either an "in-class" project or work on their individual section projects. 

Office Hours

Like office hours from college, we will have a set time for one-on-one or small group allocated times.  This way students can get personalized support installing any software, setting up needed tools, and students can re-center their efforts before the weekend. These weekly office hours can also be moved about, or often scheduled as needed. 

Between Times

For the rest of the week students should learn and work on their weekly assignment. This can be at home or MakeHaven, and there will always be access to reach out to Adam, Cam, or a MakeHaven facilitators for any support when needed. One of the biggest benefits of a course is the personalized support that it brings - learning is always better when it is done as a team event. As with all things, people are better off when we support each other.