Creating Group Activities

Brightspace's Assignments and Discussions tool allow you to utilize its Groups tool to allow students to work in small groups for various activities. This section outlines how to set these up and grade them.

How Group Activities Work in Brightspace

The Groups tool in Brightspace uses Categories to allow you to have different arrangements of students for multiple assignments throughout the semester. For example, you could create a group category to sort your students into several groups for discussions, and another for a group project that allows students to choose the groups they want to be in for that project. Essentially, you create a group category for each instance in your course that you need to shuffle the students into a new group arrangement. 

Workflow Overview

The process of creating a Group Assignment or Discussion can be broken down into to primary steps:

Creating a Group Category

The Groups tool can be found under the Tools link on the Navbar.

The first task in setting up a group activity is creating a Group Category. Click the New Category button in the Groups tool to do this.

Give the Group Category a name and select the Enrollment Type. See the Group Enrollment Types section for a description of each.

Tell Brightspace how many students should be in each group. You can also tell it to randomly assign students to groups. Be sure to click the Auto-Enroll new users checkbox!

Strongly Recommended

We recommend NOT using the Create Discussion Areas and Create Assignments options when creating your Group Categories. Their workflows are inconsistent, confusing, and often don't work as expected. Instead, click the Save button to finish setting up the Group Category and use the steps in the following sections according to your needs.

Manually Assigning Students to Groups

If you used an Enrollment type that does not automatically assign students to groups, you will need to manually add the to groups., Follow these steps to do so.

Creating a Group Assignment

Follow these steps to create a Discussion Topic in which students can only see and reply to posts from other members of their assigned group. Each member of a group receives their own grade.

An assignment is turned into a group assignment using the regular Create Assignment screen by selecting a previously created Group Category.

Creating a Group Discussion

Follow these steps to create a Discussion Topic in which students can only see and reply to posts from other members of their assigned group. Each member of a group receives their own grade.

Select Availability Dates & Conditions on the right, then click Manage Restrictions under Group and Section Restrictions.

If you only want students to see and respond to posts from other members of their group, select the bottom option under Group Selection Restrictions. 

From the drop-down menu below under Group Category of Section, select the Group Category you created in Step 1.

Grading Group Assignments

Grading group assignments works generally the same as normal assignments with one major difference: By default, all members of a group receive the same grade, but you can override this to assign individual members of a group a different grade.

To give all members of a group the same grade

Grading group assignments is the same as a normal assignment, except the entire group sees the feedback and receives the same grade.

To grade students in a group individually

To assign individual students in a group a different grade, you'll need to manually enter them using the Grades tool.

Grading Group Discussions

Grading group discussions works the same way as any other Discussion Topic. All students receive their own individual grade. However there is one important aspect to keep in mind. When students post to a Group Discussion Topic, they can only see and reply to posts created by other students in their own group. However, instructors see all posts by all students. This can actually make it difficult to grade them. The section below describes how to filter the Discussions tool so you can see only a specific group's action.

To filter the view so you can see the activity of one group at a time, click the Group filter button and select the group you want to focus on, as seen in the image to the right.

Filtering the Discussion view by group

It can be difficult to make sense of the activity in a Group Discussion Topic. To filter the view so you can see the activity of one group at a time, click the Filter by Group button and select the group you want to focus on, as seen in the image to the right.

Use the Filter by Group button to only show the posts from members of a specific group.

Help Your Students Self-Enroll

If you’ve created a Group Category using one of the Self-Enrollment types, you will need to provide them some direction to do this. Students enroll in a group by clicking the Tools menu on the Navbar, selecting Groups and then clicking the View Available Groups button.  We recommend the following technique to provide them a link to take them directly to the group selection page.

You can create links that go directly to the Group Self-Enrollment screen anywhere that the Brightspace Editor is provided, such as a Module Description.

Select Self-Enrollment Groups from the menu show after clicking the Quicklinks button in the Brightspace Editor.

Create a Replacement for Blackboard’s “Journal” Feature

Brightspace does not have an equivalent to Blackboard’s “Journal” tool. However, you can replicate this functionality in Brightspace using a Group Category and a special enrollment type. 

This discussion topic will now function as a Journal. Since students in a group discussion topic can only see the posts of other students in their group, and they are alone in their respective groups, they will only be able to see their own posts. When you grade the Journal, use the Groups filter button to select the student’s Journal you wish to view.

Group Enrollment Types

# of Groups 

Selecting this option creates a specified number of groups and sorts the students automatically into the number of groups you selected. Use this enrollment type when you know how many groups you want to create, but want the system to place users in groups for you. Select this option when you want the group membership to be indiscriminate, or when classroom, resource, or teaching assistant availability restricts the number of groups you can have.

# of Groups – No Auto Enrollments  

Selecting this option creates a specified number of groups, which you can add any number of students to through the Enroll Users page. Use this enrollment type when you know how many groups you want to create and which students you want in each group. Select this option when you have a teaching model that divides course participants into specific learning levels or when you want to divide users by skill or interests.

# of Groups - Self Enrollment 

Selecting this option creates a specified number of groups, which students enroll in from the Groups page. Use this enrollment type when you want to make a specific number of groups available for students to join. Select this option when you want to organize groups on specific topics, which students can join based on interest, or for creating groups that are responsible for specific aspects of a larger project, which students can join based on knowledge or task preferences.

Groups of # 

Selecting this option creates the minimum number of groups needed to place students in groups of a specified maximum size in a randomized order. More groups are created when they are needed to accommodate students. Be sure to check the Auto-enroll new users option so that students added to the course are automatically assigned to a group. Use this enrollment type when you know how many users you want in each group. Select this option when you have assignments that require work to be divided between a specific number of users, or when you can only accommodate a set number of users in a lab or work area at one time.

Groups of # – Self Enrollment 

Selecting this option creates the minimum number of groups needed to accommodate students in groups of a specified maximum size automatically. Students choose the group they want to enroll in from the Groups page. Use this enrollment type when you know how many students you want in each group, but you want to allow students to choose their own groups. Select this option when you want students to choose their groups based on friendship, learning style, schedules, or geographic location.

Note If there are no students enrolled in your course at the time of creation, then only one group is initially created. You can use the Edit Category page to add additional groups. Add additional groups if you want to ensure all students have options when forming groups.

Single user, member-specific groups

Using this option creates a group with a single student where the first name and last name of the learner is the name of the group. When a new student is enrolled in the course a group is automatically created for them. You can use this type to implement a Journal in your course using a Discussion Topic that is tied to a Group Category of this type.

# of Groups, Capacity of # - Self Enrollment

Selecting this option creates a specified number of groups with a specified number of students per group. Users choose the group they want to enroll in from the Groups page. Use this enrollment type when you know how many students you want in each group, you want to allow students to choose their own groups, and you want each group to have a maximum number of users. Select this option when you want students to choose their groups based on areas of interest or responsibility in larger projects, but you want to limit membership in each group to a certain number of users.