Before You Begin

There is one key thing you should do before you dive into building your course that will make the process much easier.

Write or Update Your Course Syllabus

This is a critical first-step. Your syllabus isn’t just a contract between you and your students; it’s also the blueprint for your course itself! Writing or updating your syllabus is an important mental exercise that will help you think through the logistics of your course. You don’t have to have absolutely everything written up. For the purpose of building the course in Brightspace, you should at least have:

Import a CTEL Jumpstart Package into your Course

This is optional. To cut down on all the pointing-and-clicking you are about to do, CTEL provides a Jumpstart Course Package which includes pre-made empty weekly modules, weekly assignments, discussions, and an already set up Grades tool! Simply impoort the package into your course, rename the existing items, remove the things you don't need and add your course lectures, readings, etc.

Workflow Summary

This chapter is organized in four main parts. First we are going to set up the Grades tool. Then we will create the activities / assessments your students will complete for credit. Finally, we will add the instructional content your students will consume that will prepare them for success in the course's assessments / activities. The workflow is visualized in the diagram below.

Our recommented workflow for building a course in Brightspace. Click the upper-right corner of the diagram to bring up a larger version.