Table of Contents

The My Courses Widget

The “Waffle” Button

Action Buttons

Get Help Buttons

Visibility Icons

Ribbon Icon

Moving Things Around in the Content Tool

View of a Course Module

“Opt-In” and “Default” Feature Status

Switching Between Original and Opt-In Features

Import a CTEL Jumpstart Package into your Course

Why Start With The Grades Tool?

5 Reasons why setting up the Grades tool before anything else is crucial:

Where is the Grades tool?

What is a "Grade Item"?

Setting up a Points-Based Course

Setting up a Weighted Percentage-Based Course

Working With Grade Categories

Category Setup for Points-Based Courses

Category Setup for Weighted Percentage-Based Courses

Working With Grade Items

Grade Item Setup for Points-Based Courses

Grade Item Setup for Weighted Percentage-Based Courses

Changing / Editing Grade Items & Categories

Edit Multiple Grade Items & Categories

Deleting Grade Items & Categories

Understanding Weighted Percentage-Based Courses

Setting up Extra Credit / Bonuses

Understanding How Points Work in Brightspace

Video Demonstrations

Weighted Percentage-Based Demonstration

Points-Based Demonstration

Which Tool Should I Use?

Dates and How They Work

Working With Assignments

Creating assignments

Deleting Assignments

Recovering Deleted Assignments

Assignment Submission Types

Working With Discussion Forums and Topics

What's the Difference Between a Forum and a Topic?

Create a New Forum

Create a New Topic

Deleting Forums and Topics

Working With Quizzes & Exams

Part 1: Setting up the Main Quiz Options

Part 2: Setting up Submission Views

Part 3: Adding Questions

Importing Quiz/Exam Questions From a Package

Importing Questions From another Quiz/Exam

Types of Quiz & Exam Questions

What Do You Mean By "Sequencing"?

Create a Sequence of Modules

Creating Your Sequence from Scratch

Deleting Modules

Add Previously Created Course Assessments

Add Module Descriptions

The Upload / Create Button

Existing Activities: Adding Kaltura Video, Materials from Publishers, and other third-Party Integrations

Post Your Syllabus in Brightspace

Syllabus in PDF or MS Word Format

Syllabus in Google Docs Part 1: Setting Up and Getting the Share Link

Syllabus in Google Docs Part 2: Creating a Link in Brightspace

Advanced: Embedding a Google Docs Syllabus

Adding Links to the Syllabus Anywhere in your Course

The Term Cycle

Copying All or Part of a Course to Another

Updating Your Syllabus

Activate Your Course So Students Can See It


Creating Announcements

Deleting Announcements

Restoring Deleted Announcements

Releasing Grades & Feedback

Submission Icons

Grading Via the Grades tool

Choose the Strategy that Works for You

Preview How Students Will See their Grades

Grading Via the Individual Activity Tools

Grading Assignments

Grading Discussions (Whole Topic)

Grading Discussions (Individual Posts)

Student View of Graded Discussions

Grading Quizzes & Exams

Reset a Student's Quiz/Exam Attempt

Grading Via QuickEval

Releasing Final Course Grades

Releasing a single student’s final grade

Releasing the final grade for all students

Posting Final Grades in MaineStreet

Creating Accessible Courses

Setting Special Access Options

Edit a Student’s Accommodations for All Quizzes/Exams

Edit Special Access for a Single Quiz/Exam

How Group Activities Work in Brightspace

Workflow Overview

Creating a Group Category

Manually Assigning Students to Groups

Creating a Group Assignment

Creating a Group Discussion

Grading Group Assignments

To give all members of a group the same grade

To grade students in a group individually

Grading Group Discussions

Filtering the Discussion view by group

Help Your Students Self-Enroll

Create a Replacement for Blackboard’s “Journal” Feature

Group Enrollment Types

# of Groups

# of Groups – No Auto Enrollments

# of Groups - Self Enrollment

Groups of #

Groups of # – Self Enrollment

Single user, member-specific groups

# of Groups, Capacity of # - Self Enrollment

Find a Course’s Offering Code

Find a Course’s Brightspace ID

Import a Content Package

View Your Course as a Student

Linking to ARES eReserves

Adding In-Text Hyperlinks to Other Parts of your Course

Print Quiz Questions

Allow a Student to Complete an Interrupted, Timed Quiz