II. Create Course Assessments or Activities

With the Grades tool set up, you can now begin creating the actual assessments students will interact with. Like the Grades tool, the tools for creating Assignments, Discussions, Quizzes & Exams can be found in the Assessments link on the Navbar.

Which Tool Should I Use?

Brightspace has three main activity / assessment tools: Assignments, Discussions, and Quizzes/Exams. Between the three of them, you should be able to implement most activities you would do in a face-to-face classroom. The table below will help you narrow down which tool might be the best choice for what you are trying to accomplish. 

Assignments, Discussions, and Quizzes / Exams are the three main assessment-creation tools in Brightspace

In general, the Assignments Tool is best for essays, papers, and student group projects. Pretty much anything where the student must upload a file for you to grade. The Discussions Tool is best for activities which require peer interaction, such as group discussions, critiques, etc. They can also be adjusted to for submitting papers, as long as your intention is for students to see each others work. Finally the Quiz / Exam Tool can be used for fixed-response questions (miltiple-choice, true/false, etc.) as well as essay questions.


Students see the same links in the Assessments menu that you do. They check their grades from the Grades tool. Going to any of the other tools will present them with a list of all the activities in the course of that type. Thus, it is not necessary for you to create a module containing all of your assignments. Instead, sequence them as described in the Sequence Course Assessments into Modules section.

Dates and How They Work

Brightspace allows you to set dates in many different places and all of them have some impact on what students can and can’t see in the course. Below is a guide to each type of date and what it does.

Don't forget to set the Time field on your dates!

When setting a date, Brightspace automatically uses the current time in the Time field. So even if you set a module to start on the correct day, if the time is set to, for example, 4:00 pm, students will still not be able to access items in that module until after 4:00 pm has passed!


Use the Manage Dates tool under Course Admin to change all the dates you've set with just a few clicks.

Working With Assignments

Assignments allow you to collect text, videos, files, etc. for you to evaluate and grade.

Creating Assignments

Here you'll find detailed, step-by-step, written instructions, as well as short video tutorials on how to create an assignment. You can also watch these and other CTEL Brightspace Guide videos in full screen on our Kaltura channel.


You can go back and change most of the settings for an Assignment by clicking the Assessments menu and selecting Assignments. Once the Assignments page appears, click the Action Button (little down-facing arrow next to the grade item) next to an assignment and select Edit Assignment.

Deleting Assignments

Click the Action Button next to the assignment and select Delete Assignment.

Recovering Deleted Assignments

Did you accidentally delete an assignment and need it back? Follow these steps to retrieve it.

Click the More Actions button and select Event Log.

Click the Restore button next to the assignment you need to recover .

Adding Plagiarism Detection to an Assignment

Brightspace has built-in integration with TurnItIn, a plagiarism detection service. Enable it by perform the following steps when creating or editing an Assignment.

For more information on using and interpreting TurnItIn's reports, please see TurnItIn's support documentation.

Enable TurnItIn from the Evaluation & Feedback panel on the New or Edit Assignment page.

Click the Enable Originality Check for this folder checkbox and any other options you desire then click the Save button.

Accessing a TurnItIn Originality Report

Follow these steps to view TurnItIn Originality Reports on work your students have submitted,

For more information on using and interpreting TurnItIn's reports, please see TurnItIn's support documentation.

Click the More Actions button and select Event Log.

Plagiarism Checking After-The Fact

If you have enabled TurnItIn on an assignment that students have already submitted work to, you will need to perform the following steps to have them scanned by TurnItIn:

For more information on using and interpreting TurnItIn's reports, please see TurnItIn's support documentation.

Click the Submit to TurnItIn button next to each student submission you want to have checked for plagiarism.

Enlarged image of the tiny, very difficult to see, Submit to TurnItIn button.

Assignment Submission Types

Brightspace lets you choose from four different types of assignments. Click the headings below to see a definition of each.

File Submission

Students upload a file, such as a Microsoft Word or PDF file to complete the assignment. This is the most commonly used. 

Text Submission

Students write a response directly in Brightspace to complete the assignment using the Brightspace Editor. They have access to the same tools you have, so their submissions can include text, images, video, audio, and hyperlinks.

On Paper Submission

This type of submission allows you to receive student submissions in person (on paper) and still provide a grade through Brightspace. Students are not able to submit anything to this type of assignment, but they can still receive feedback and a grade from you. You also have the option of uploading the paper assignment back to the student when you provide their feedback and grade. 

Observed In Person

Similarly to On Paper Submission, this type does not allow students to submit anything through Brightspace. If students make a presentation in class but are not submitting anything, this submission type would allow you to assign a grade and provide feedback through Brightspace. 

Working With Discussion Forums and Topics

Use the Discussions tool in your course to encourage students to share thoughts on course material with their peers. Discussions are organized into Forums, which can contain multiple Topics. You and your students create Threads inside topics which consist of an initial Post and Replies. In most cases, courses only need a single forum to house all of a course’s topics, however if you rely heavily on discussions in your course, it may make sense to have multiple forums.

In Brightspace, Forums are containers for Topics which can be graded. Topics contain Threads started by students where their peers can post replies.

What's the Difference Between a Forum and a Topic?

In the Discussions Tool, Forums have large, black text headings. They can contain one or more Discussion Topics, which have bold, blue text.

Create a New Forum

Create a new Forum in the Discussions Tool using the New button. 

Give your new Forum a title, brief description, and set any options you want to be in effect for the topics it contains. When you are done, click either the Save and Close button, or the Save and Add Topic button.

Create a New Topic

Create a new Topic in the Discussions Tool using the New button.

Add a Title for your new Topic. You can put any discussion prompts in the Description field. If this is topic will be graded, click the Assessment tab.

Select an existing, or create a new Grade Item for the discussion topic if you plan to grade it.


Discussion Posts created by you and your students are NOT included when you copy your course from one semester to another! Only Forums and Topics are copied. If you have questions or prompts for your students to answer, put them in the Description field when creating a Topic (See the section above). Doing so will ensure that it gets included when you copy the course to the next semester.


You can go back and change most of the settings for a Discussion Topic by clicking the Assessments menu and selecting Discussions. Once the Discussions page appears, click the Action Button next to an discussion topic and select Edit Topic.

Deleting Discussion Forums & Topics

Alternative: If you have multiple Forums and/or Topics to delete, you can click the More Actions button and select Delete. 

Click the Action Button next to the Forum or Topic and select Delete.

Working With Quizzes & Exams

You can build Quizzes and Exams in Brightspace with questions that grade themselves. (Except for Written Response questions, which require you to check and score.) You can even set questions to give the student various types of feedback depending on the answer they select. If your course has a textbook, chances are the book’s publisher has a test bank you can import into your course’s Question Library to build quizzes and exams that present a random selection of questions to each student.

This section breaks up the process of creating a Quiz or Exam into three main parts: 


Do you plan to have a lot of quizzes in your course? You don't have to do these steps for all of them! Just get one set up without the questions using the steps above. Then, from the main Quizzes & Exams page, click the More Actions button and select Copy.

Part 1: Setting up the Main Quiz Options

Create a new quiz or exam by clicking the New Quiz button.

Give the quiz or exam a name and set any options, then click the Restrictions tab.

Hide From Users is on by default for new quizzes/exams. Turn it off if you prefer, set any availability/due dates, and then click the Assessment tab.

Pay close attention to the settings on the Assessment tab. Setting them incorrectly won't result in any permanant damage, but will cause confusion for you and your students.

Part 2: Setting up Submission Views

By default, Brightspace does not show students details about the questions they got right or wrong after the quiz is graded. The Submission Views tab allows you to sequence when and what students can see once they finish their exam. The Default View settings assume a conservative stance that protects your quiz/exam questions and only tells the student the score they received on select-response questions (multiple choice, true/false, etc). In addition to the instructions below, here is a video tutorial on Submission Views.

The Default View controls what happens after a student completes an attempt on a quiz/exam. You can add time-triggered Additional Views to allow them to see what questions they got wrong and/or correct answers after everyone has completed the quiz/exam. Additional Views can also be set to expire after a certain amount of time.

The Default View initially will only show students their score on the quiz/exam.

Importing Pre-Created Questions

The following instructions in Part 3 pertain to creating brand new questions for a quiz. If you have questions already created in a previous quiz/exam, or have a publisher-supplied question bank in .zip format, there are instructions for both these cases after Part 3.

Part 3: Adding Questions

These steps assume you have previously created and configured a quiz or exam. If you have now, please see Parts 1 and 2 first.

Click the Action Button next to the quiz or exam and select Edit.

Click the Add/Edit Questions button to go to the Question Builder.

Click the Add button and select a type of question to create.

Click the Options button and select Add Feedback.

Add more questions or go back to the Quiz Settings page.

Set the number of questions you would like to appear at a time for students and click the Save and Close button.


Avoid editing the questions on a quiz or exam when some students have take it and others have not! Set some time aside before administering the quiz/exam to test it using the ~Preview Learner account.

Importing Quiz/Exam Questions From a Package

Use the following instructions to import zip file containing quiz or exam questions provided by your textbook publisher or other source.

the Question Library is a tab in the Quizzes & Exams tool.

Creating a new Section to store questions in the Question Library.

Name the new section, set your desired options, and click the Save button.

With a new Section to store your questions, you are now ready to click the Import button and upload the .zip file containing the questions.

Importing Questions From another Quiz/Exam

Use the following instructions to share questions you've previously created from other quizzes/exams.

Select the quiz/exam containing the questions you want to reuse, select them and click the Import button.

In your quiz/exam's Question Builder, click the Import button and select Browse Question Library to access the question you previously imported there.


Have exam questions written out in an MS Word file? We've installed a copy of D2L’s Quiz converter in the Self-Paced Brightspace Training. Note, If you have never visited the training before, the previous link will not work. Enroll in the training and then try the first link.

Types of Quiz & Exam Questions