III. Sequence Course Assessments into Modules

With the Grades tool set up and your assessments and activities created, it's time to use the Content tool to weave them together into a logical progression such as "weeks" or "units."

What Do You Mean By "Sequencing"?

Sequencing refers to the order which students go through your course, its content, and the courses assessments. The goal is to provide a simple, intuitive path for your students so that they are using their effort to engage with your course content, rather than expending it on trying to find their way around the course. This happens by organizing your course materials and assignments in the Content tool using Modules.

What is a Module?

A module is a container within the Content area of your course for links to course materials, activities, and assessments.

You may be tempted to organize your course activities into modules by "type-of-thing", such as one module for Quizzes, one for Assignments, one for Readings, etc., but we do not recommend this approach. Not only is this confusing and time consuming for students who will need to search through each area for the materials needed each week, it is also redundant as Brightspace already has a feature for students to view items by the different types of course elements. Students can do so by navigating to Assignments, Discussions, and Quizzes/Exams from the Assessments menu in the navbar. When students go to any of those tools, they will automatically see a list of all visible items of that type. 

For those reasons, we recommend organizing the Content area of your course by "week" or "unit," grouping all the quizzes, assignment, readings, etc. that the student needs to complete that week or unit into one module. 

Create a Sequence of Modules

The Content tool is the main hub of activity in your course. The previous sections have helped you establish the important building blocks of your course. Now we will use the Content tool to sequence your course assessments into modules, or "weeks" if you prefer.  

Creating Your Sequence from Scratch

Click the Add a Module button to quickly create new modules.

Deleting Modules

Modules can be deleted from the Action Button next to their title.

Add Previously Created Course Assessments

Now that you have modules built out for your course, we can begin placing the course assessments you previously created into their respective modules.

Click the upper-right corner of the screenshots for larger versions.

The Existing Activities button is used to add links in your modules to anything you have created in Brightspace's other tools, as well as third-party tools integrated into our instance of Brightspace.

The Content tool will indicate if an assignment, discussion, or quiz/exam you linked to is currently hidden from students.

Moving Things Around in the Content Tool

Most things, such as modules or module topics (links to assignments, websites, documents, etc.) can be moved and rearranged through two methods:

screenshot of the Module list with the dotted rectangles used to move item indicated

Click and drag the mouse over the dotted rectangles next to the item name to change it's order in the module listing.