Quick Start for Established Courses

Have you taught your course in Brightspace before and just need a quick refresher on all the things you need to do to prepare for a new term? You've come to the right place! The tips below will ensure your semester starts off smooth and your students are happy!


Find your upcoming semester’s course shell(s)

Look in the left-hand column of USM’s Brightspace landing page for your courses. Contact help@maine.edu if you can’t find them. Once you've found them, be sure to Pin them so they appear at the top of you courses list (and unpin any old courses you aren't actively working with).


Copy course content from the previous semester’s shell

If you have material from a previous semester, use the Copying Courses instructions to use that material again! You will have the option to copy "Copy All Components" to copy the whole course, or "Select Components" to only import some components and offset dates. Note: Student data does not get copied, only faculty created content. 


Update your syllabus with all current course information & replace the old one in Brightspace


Update all course dates, due dates, date restrictions, etc. 

If you did not offset dates when you copied components over to your new course, you can do this very quickly using the Manage Dates tool, which is found on the Course Admin page. 


Set up your E-Reserves (Ares)

Our friends at USM libraries can help you get electronically reserved library materials into your course.  


Test your course to make sure everything works

Every course has a special "Preview Learner" enrolled in it that allows you to test out your course as if you were a student. You can see the way your course looks to students and even submit assignments to make sure assignment, quiz and grading workflows work as you intended. Be sure to check your course videos, web links, and any third-party add-ons to Brightspace, like Ares Course Reserves, GoReact, and publisher integrations. Here are instructions on how to use the Preview Learner account.


Remove outdated Announcements 

When you copy a course, old announcements from the term you last taught your course are copied too. Unless you planned to re-use them, you can clean out the old announcements with these instructions.


Enroll other instructors, TAs, etc. into course

Do you have a co-instructor? If you do,  here are instructions on how to add them to your course

Important: Neither you, nor CTEL have the ability to add students, including Teaching Assistants (TAs) to a course in Brightspace. Students must enroll in the course via the Office of Student Registration. Faculty can contact the registrar's office to enroll TAs. They will then be automatically added to your course in Brightspace shortly after.


Enable Special Access for students receiving accommodations through the Disability Services Center

Brightspace has the ability to give specific students different time limits and due-dates for assignments and quizzes or exams. There are two ways of doing this depending upon the situation:


Make Your Course Active!

This is perhaps the most important step of all! Students can't see your course until you've set it to Active status. To do this:

Don't wait until the last minute to do this. Students will be looking for your course before the semester starts and they will get anxious if they don't see your course. We recommend making courses active two-weeks prior to the start of the course. You can hide all the individual parts you don't want them to see until you are ready, but please make sure to have your Gradebook and Assignments in place before making the course active.


Send a Welcome Announcement

You can post announcements to your students via the Announcements tool. Announcements are displayed on your course's landing page and are also emailed to the students enrolled in your course.

Broken links? Suggestions for improvements or additions? Email ctelhelp@maine.edu

Updated July 25, 2023