Meet Your Instructor

Originally from Maine, I went to graduate school in Montana. As much as I loved the mountains of the west, I missed the ocean, and after earning my M.S. in chemistry, I returned to Maine and taught high school chemistry for ten years. I began teaching full time at USM in 2018. I love teaching at USM, partly because I, too, was a first generation college student from rural Maine once upon a time, just like so many of our students. 

In my free time, my wife (an organic chemist) and I take turns chasing our toddler, changing poopy diapers, and trying to stop him from attacking the dog and/or cat. We spend a lot of time working outside on our property. She plants and preserves a lot of veggies, and I keep things looking good with our shrubs and gardens, along with caring for our many fruit trees.

You can usually find me somewhere on the chemistry floor of the Science Building, either in my office or in the Gen Chem teaching lab. I am also the faculty advisor for the USM Chemistry Club. We are always looking for more members! Come to a meeting, see me, or click on the image to the right for more information!