Extra Credit

Tutoring at the Learning Commons

The Learning Commons provides excellent opportunities for some extra assistance in your courses here at USM. Tutoring is not only for students who feel as if they are struggling or falling behind, but is also a beneficial tool for those who just want to be sure they are keeping pace with the course.

I would like to encourage everyone to use the tutors at the Learning Commons to assist with your success in the course. With that in mind, I am offering Extra Credit on the Final Exam. For everyone who attends at least 5 tutoring sessions, I will award 10 extra points on your final exam. You don't need to keep track of your appointments or tell me when you go; I will receive a report after the final exam of how many sessions everyone attended.

To schedule an appointment with a tutor, go to the Learning Commons page for academic support, and click on the link for 'Subject Based Tutoring'