Exam Info

Fall 2024 Exams 

Must be logged into your maine.edu account to view blank and key

Can You? study guides will be available one week before each exam.

Exam 1: 


Can You? (Study Guide) BLANK EXAM Exam 1 KEY

Exam 2:  


Can You? (Study Guide) BLANK EXAM Exam 2 KEY

Exam 3:


Can You? (Study Guide) BLANK EXAM Exam 3 KEY

Exam 4


Can You? (Study Guide) BLANK EXAM Exam 4 KEY

Final Exam: 


Allowable Materials:

You will be allowed a 4x6 index card (both sides!) cheat sheet on all exams. This card must be handwritten, by you, and will be turned in with your exam. 

You are allowed to use your scientific calculator on all exams.

You will be provided this Periodic Table on all exams.

Additional materials will be provided depending on the exam, and are linked below to assist your preparation.

Exam 3 - no materials beyond periodic table

Note that use of any other materials on exams will be considered a violation of the University Academic Integrity policy, and will be reported to the Dean of Students.

Final Exam Information:

 These questions give you an idea of the types of questions you can expect on the American Chemical Society (ACS) Conceptual Standardized Exam. This exam will assess your knowledge of the overall concepts studied in CHY 113. This is NOT an exhaustive representation of the topics you will find on the exam. In other words, you should NOT say “well, X topic was not on this list, and so it probably won’t be on the exam.” ANY concept/topic studied may be on the exam. All are important. Rather, this list provides you with an idea of the style and depth of the questions you will find. You should still use all resources available to you to study the concepts covered in the course.

This exam is cumulative, and will cover material from the entire semester.

Allowable materials: ACS rules forbid me from posting the informational sheet you will receive for the exam, but you will be provided with a periodic table, all relevant constants, etc. You should not assume any other information will be provided.

You are also allowed a handwritten 8x11 (normal sheet of paper) cheat sheet, both sides.